Bodies of Work - A Curated List
Bodies of work can be a tricky beast to figure out. To help you in all of this, we’ve created a working list of all of the bodies of work you can find on the site. They are organized in alphabetical order by text type. Browse through the list, click on the links, and see what you like. Hopefully, we’ve curated something that you want to use in your classroom.
Liza Donnelly cartoons (about gender)
Films and Documentaries
The documentary 13th by Ava DuVernay (about mass incarceration)
Mangrove (part of the Small Axe anthology) by Steve McQueen
Alex Wheatle (part of the Small Axe anthology) by Steve McQueen
Education (part of the Small Axe anthology) by Steve McQueen
Lovers Rock (part of the Small Axe anthology) by Steve McQueen
Red, White and Blue (part of the Small Axe anthology) by Steve McQueen
Jose Antonio Vargas interviews (about immigration)
Magazine Articles
Caitlin Flanagan articles in The Atlantic (often about gender)
Magazine Columns
Rick Reilly sports columns (connected to global issues and the UN’s SDGs)
Newspaper editorials
Opinion Editorials/Columns
Michelle Alexander opinion editorials (about race and mass incarceration)
Nicolas Kristof opinion editorials (about nature)
Jose Antonio Vargas opinion editorials (often about immigration)
Photographs from Charles Moore (from the Civil Rights Era in the US)
Photographs from Bill Hudson (from the Civil Rights Era in the US)
Raymond Depardon photographs (about Glasgow)
Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
Emma Gonzalez speeches (from March for Our Lives – gun control)