Recommended format for the IA
There is no stipulated format for the Internal Assessment (IA). However, the IB does recommend the following for the Business Management research project, which must be a structured piece of well-organized work. This means there must be an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
1. Introduction
Brief background information about the chosen business organization.
Outline of the contemporary, real-world issue or problem under investigation (to provide context).
Rationale for the study, including choice of key concept.
Relevance of the research question to the chosen key concept.
Description of the methodology used to investigate the chosen issue or problem.
2. Body
Main findings (from the 3 - 5 supporting documents).
Analysis of the findings (in relation to the research question).
Application of relevant Business Management tools, theories, techniques, and terminology.
Integration of the chosen key concept.
Evidence of evaluation (critical thinking) in relation to:
- Why and how the information in the 3 - 5 supporting documents are helpful (or unhelpful) in addressing the research question
- Strengths and limitations of the data/information in the 3 - 5 supporting documents with respect to answering the research question.
- An evaluative approach to the discussions, e.g., the short-term and long-term implications of the findings on the chosen business organization, including the impact on employees, customers, or other key stakeholder groups, as well as its finances.
3. Conclusion
Provide a clear and explicit answer to the research question, backed by the evidence presented in the main body of the research project.
Do not introduce any new materials, facts, or arguments that have not been discussed in body of the research project.
Acknowledge any aspect of the research question that has not been fully addressed from the findings and analysis of the research project, outlining any further investigation needed to answer the research question more effectively.
Top tip 1!
The following structure/format works well for the IA.
- Title page (cover sheet) - refer to the "Top tip 2" box below
- Table of contents page
- Introduction
Main body
Bibliography and references (works cited)
Appendices: include the 3 to 5 supporting documents (to be electronically uploaded on IBIS or Managebac)
Good presentation also requires the appropriate use of headings and sub-headings, consistent referencing, and numbered pages.
Top tip 2!
Recommended structure for the title (cover) page:
Subject name, i.e., Business Management (SL or HL)
Session, e.g. May 2024
Research question
Key concept
Word count declaration
Personal code
Declaration of authenticity*
As the IA must be anonymised, do not include your candidate name, candidate number, or the name of the centre (school).
* Since November 2017, the IB has required schools to obtain candidates’ confirmation of authenticity of the work
they submit for assessment. Please refer to the information from the IB about this matter by clicking the icon below.
The IB coursework upload system allows IB coordinators or school administrators to upload work on behalf of candidates. The system requires the teacher or coordinator uploading on behalf of candidates to confirm that they have received signed declarations of authenticity from each candidate for every item of coursework submitted.
It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that these declarations have been properly made, recorded and stored, and that they are available to the IB if the authenticity of the work is called into question during the assessment process.
Schools must ensure that the authentication from a candidate is for the work submitted for assessment. No replacement work will be accepted by the IB after the authenticity of a piece of work is called into question or the deadline for submission has passed.
Source: IB Coordinators Notes, January 2023, page 21
Suggested declaration of authenticity for the Business Management Internal Assessment:
I confirm that this work is all my own and that this is the final version of this written commentary. I have acknowledged the use of any information collected from primary and/or secondary sources. All supporting documents are attached in the appendices. These are contemporary in nature and were written within a maximum of 3 years prior to submission. All parts in the supporting document that relate directly to this commentary have been highlighted. Additional sources have been acknowledged in the bibliography.
Signed (candidate's initials) ……...………….
Top tip 3!
It can be useful to include the mission statement or vision statement, if appropriate, to the Introduction.
Note that there is no formal requirement to include the mission or vision statement of the chosen organization - after all, the IB does not prescribe a specific format or structure for the IA. However, and where appropriate, including the mission or vision statement of the chosen business can add purpose and context to the business research project. Also, providing the mission/vision statement can go some way to address the following aims of the IA:
Select a real business issue or problem for the research project
Refer to a single business organization (but this can be related to industry-wide issues or problems that impact on the chosen organization).
Use primary and/or secondary research to address the research question.
Having a clear and purposeful focus can also help students to formulate their IA research question and provides the parameters for selecting the 3 - 5 supporting documents.
Top tip 4!
The IB recommends all IAs are produced using the following style of presentation:
Arial font or Times New Roman font
Font size 11 or 12
1.5 or double-spaced
Numbered pages
This makes it significantly easier for the moderator or examiner to check the work of the candidate.
I would also recommend that all internal assessments are converted into a PDF document and checked before uploading to IBIS. This is because the Portable Document Format (PDF) document will keep the original work intact. Word documents (in .doc or .docx format) do not always convert nicely once uploaded, and the original work can become truncated with page numbers getting out of sync, especially when text columns, images, photos, tables, diagrams, charts etc. are used.
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