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Unit 3 - Finance

Unit 3 - Finance and accounts

Finance is vital to an organization's operations

This section of the IB Business Management syllabus looks at the finances of business organizations.

The finance and accounts section of the course examines aspects of financial control (such as cash flow and budgeting) and financial management accounts (such as the balance sheet, income statement and ratio analysis).

All business decisions have two impacts:

1. the impact on human resources (see Unit 2 - HRM), and

2. the impact on the organization's finances.

Finance & accounts and conceptual understandings (from the guide):

  •   Change in the business structure can impact a business’ financial resources

  •  Creativity in financial reporting can have diverse impacts in a business

  •   Ethical financial and accounting practices can be a form of  sustainable business behaviour

 The recommended teaching hours from the IB for Unit 3 of the Business Management syllabus are as follows:

  • SL = 30 hours

  • HL = 45 hours

The IB Business Management syllabus content for Unit 3 is outlined below. There are nine topics in Unit 3 -  Finance and accounts.

Unit 3.1 - Introduction to finance

Unit 3.2 - Sources of finance

Unit 3.2 - Sources of finance

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

Unit 3.3 - Costs and revenues

Unit 3.3 - Costs and revenues

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

Unit 3.4 - Final accounts (some HL only)

Unit 3.5 - Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis

Unit 3.5 - Profitability and liquidity ratio analysis

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

Unit 3.6 - Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)

Unit 3.6 - Efficiency ratio analysis (HL only)

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

  • The following efficiency ratios (HL only): (i) Stock turnover, (ii) Debtor days, (iii) Creditor days, and (iv) Gearing ratio (AO2, AO4)

  • Possible strategies to improve these efficiency ratios (HL only) (AO3)

  • Insolvency versus bankruptcy (HL only) (AO2)

Unit 3.7 - Cash flow

Unit 3.7 - Cash flow

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

* These two topics did not appear in the syllabus that was first released in February 2022, but were subsequently added in the revised version published in May 2022.

Unit 3.8 - Investment appraisal (some HL only)

Unit 3.8 - Investment appraisal (some HL only)

This section of the syllabus covers the following assessment objectives:

Unit 3.9 - Budgets (HL only)

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