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Non-profit social enterprises

 Reading task

Key terms

  • non-governmental organization (NGO) is a type of non-profit social enterprise that operates in the private sector as  a voluntary group to promote a social cause.

  • Non-profit social enterprises operate in a commercial-like way but they do not distribute any profits or financial surplus to their owners or shareholders.

  • A non-profit organization (NPO) is a legal entity organized and operated for a collective or social benefit rather than an entity that operates as a business that primarily aims to generate a profit for its owners or shareholders.

  • Social enterprises are business entities that generate revenue just like any business organization, but hold community objectives for the wellbeing of others in society, rather than primarily aiming to earn profit for their owners.

  • Surplus refers to the financial gain of a non-profit social enterprise or non-profit organization. The financial surplus, unlike profit, belongs to the business organization and is reinvested back in the social enterprise.

Exam Practice Question

(a)Define the term non-profit organization (NPO).[2 marks]
(b)Distinguish between a non-profit social enterprise and a for-profit organization.[4 marks]
(c)Explain two objectives of non-profit social enterprises.[4 marks]
 Teacher only box

(a)  Define the term non-profit organization (NPO).  [2 marks]

A non-profit organization (NPO), such as the International Baccalaureate, is one that reuses any financial surplus to achieve its organizational goals, rather than distributing the surplus (profit) as dividends to its owners. Although an NPO can generate a financial surplus, this must be kept within the organization for its self-preservation or expansion. Technically, "profit" belongs to the owners of a business, whereas "surplus" is reinvested back into the business.

Award [1 mark] for a description that shows some understanding of a ‘non-profit organization’.

Award [2 marks] for a definition with a clear understanding of a ‘non-profit organization’, similar to the example above.

(b)  Distinguish between a non-profit social enterprise and a for-profit organization.  [4 marks]

A for-profit organization is a business that is run primarily to earn a profit, with any financial surplus used to further its organizational objectives. They are held accountable to the owners of the business (shareholders in the case of privately and publicly held companies).

By contrast, a non-profit social enterprise operates with the purpose of a community or social cause, whilst using traditional commercial practices. The key difference is that the core business of a for-profit organization is for self-interest, whereas the core business of a non-profit social enterprise is for social-interest (the benefit of others in society). In the latter case, any financial surplus would not get distributed to the owners/shareholders of the organization.

Award [1 - 2 marks] for an answer that shows some understanding of the difference between the two types of organizations.

Award [3 - 4 marks] for an answer that shows a good understanding of the difference between the two types of organizations, similar to the example above.

(c)  Explain two objectives of non-profit social enterprises.  [4 marks]

Possible objectives of non-profit enterprises could include an explanation of:

  • Social objectives, i.e., improving social welfare of local communities and societies as a whole.

  • Environmental objectives, i.e., environmental and ecological protection (promoting sustainability).

  • Accept any other relevant approach that demonstrated an understanding of the demands of the question.

Mark as a 2 + 2

For each objective, award [1 mark] for an appropriate response, and a further [1 mark] for a suitable explanation.

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