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4.6 True or False Quiz

Unit 4.6 True or False Quiz - International marketing (HL only)

To test your understanding of this HL only topic (International marketing), answer the following true or false questions.

No.StatementTrue or False?
1.Expansion into international markets can occur through both external or internal methods.


2.Entering international markets can create opportunities for increased brand recognition and brand development.


3.A joint venture is an internal method of growth and evolution into international markets.

False - it is an external method

4.Setting up production and/or distribution facilities overseas requires large sums of money to be invested in foreign countries, which can be a risky business proposition.


5.Businesses that enter international markets do not have to comply with local rules and regulations regarding employees, consumers, and product restrictions.


6.Entering international markets can enable a business to spread the risks of their products failing in one particular market.


7.Exports, foreign direct investment (FDI), and e-commerce are internal methods of growth and evolution.


8.Globalization, the increased integration and interdependence of economies around the world, as well as the continued expansion of MNCs, have contributed to the growth in international marketing.


9.External growth through a joint venture or strategic alliance makes it less risky for overseas companies to expand in new markets and locations as they benefit from local experience and expertise of a third-party partner.


10.Entering international markets can lead to a larger customer base for a multinational company.


11.External growth is inorganic which provides a faster way of growing or evolving in international markets.


12.Benefits arising from international growth and evolution include economies of scale and product extension strategies, both of which can eventually lead to higher profits.


13.Awareness of changing consumer tastes in domestic markets is a direct concern for international marketing.


14.Organizations may change their products to better suit the demographic profile of the target market in different countries, e.g., an ageing population in Japan.


15.International marketers are interested in the different business practices as well as the economic environment in overseas markets.


16.Businesses sometimes invest in production or distribution facilities in other countries to avoid tariffs (import taxes), which they would otherwise incur on imports sold in these foreign countries.


17.International marketers are concerned with external factors such as differences in laws, languages, cultures, and practices as businesses growth and evolve in overseas markets.


18.Highly successful businesses should not vary their marketing mix as they export their products to consumers in low-income countries.


19.Foreign direct investment (FDI) describes a multinational business setting up production and/or distribution facilities in overseas locations.


20.Joint ventures are formed when two or more organizations form a new legal business entity with shared resources and responsibilities.


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