Terminology for understanding organizational structures
This section of the IB Business Management syllabus looks at terminology to facilitate understanding of different types of organizational structures (AO2).
The organizational structure of a business shows the interrelationships and hierarchical arrangements within the firm. In order for employees to achieve the organization’s goals collectively, human resources need to be formally organized. The way in which people are organized determines who each employee reports to, and the breadth and depth of the authority each person has (if any). The organizational chart is a diagrammatic representation of an organization’s formal organizational structure. Hence, it shows the role(s) of each employee in the organization, responsibilities, and accountability (who each employee must formally report to).
The following terms feature in the IB Business Management syllabus to facilitate understanding of different types of organizational structures:
- Delegation
- Span of control
- Levels of hierarchy
- Chain of command
- Bureaucracy
- Centralization
- Decentralization
- De-layering
- Matrix structure
Please note that whilst this topic was covered in the previous syllabus (final exams N23), the content has increased from AO1 to AO2 in the new guide. In addition, the matrix structure has been added to this part of the course.
Watch this video clip to gain an overview of organizational structures:
Which term describes refers to the official rights of a line manager to give orders and instructions to his/her subordinates in the organization to get things done?
Authority refers to the official rights of a line manager in an organization to give orders and instructions to his/her subordinates to get things done.
Which term refers to administrative systems within an organization?
Bureaucracy refers to administrative systems (formal processes and policies, including paperwork) within an organization.This includes the formal policies and procedures of the business.
Which term refers to the situation in organizations where decision-making is predominantly made by a small group of senior managers at the top of the organizational hierarchy?
Centralization refers to the situation in organizations where decision-making is predominantly made by a small group of senior managers at the top of the organizational hierarchy, i.e. decision-making power is centralized in the hands of a few (senior executives).
Which term refers to the formal lines of authority in an organization?
The chain of command refers to the formal lines of authority in an organization, as illustrated in an organizational chart.
Which term refers to the situation in organizations where decision-making authority is delegated throughout the firm?
Decentralization refers to the situation in organizations where decision-making authority is delegated throughout, rather from a central authoritative group.
What occurs when an organization removes one or more layers in its hierarchical structure?
De-layering occurs when an organization removes one or more layers in its hierarchical structure, i.e. it reduces the number of layers of management to make it flatter.
What occurs when a line manager entrusts and empowers a subordinate with authority to successfully complete a particular task?
Delegation occurs when a line manager entrusts and empowers a subordinate with authority to successfully complete a particular task, project or role.
Which term refers to an organization with only a few levels in the organizational structure?
A flat structure has few levels in the organizational hierarchy.
Which term is used to show where each worker fits within an organization?
Hierarchical structures in an organization show where each worker fits within the firm, showing his/her level of seniority.
Which term refers to the number of layers of formal authority in an organization?
Levels of hierarchy refers to the number of layers of formal authority. It is represented in an organizational chart.
Which term refers to a diagrammatic representation of an organization’s formal organizational structure?
The organizational chart is a diagrammatic illustration of a firm’s formal human resource structures.
Which term refers to the interrelationships and hierarchical arrangements within a business?
The organizational structure of a business shows the interrelationships and hierarchical arrangements within the firm.
Which term refers the duties and obligation assigned to a person in the organization?
Responsibility refers the duties and obligation assigned to a person in the organization.
Which term refers to how many workers are directly accountable to a particular line manager?
The span of control refers to how many workers are directly accountable to (or under the authority of) a particular line manager.
Which term refers to firms with many levels of hierarchy?
A tall structure has many levels of hierarchy, so the span of control is likely to be narrow.
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