Unit 4 Key terms - Marketing
Unit 4 Key terms - Marketing
It is through the correct use of subject terminology that students show their knowledge and understanding. Effective marketing is core to the success of all business organizations. Unit 4 of the IB Business Management syllabus examines a wide range of marketing tools, theories, techniques and concepts. Marketing is far more than just about advertising or promotion, or even the traditional 4 Ps of marketing: product, price, promotion and place. SL and HL students also need to be able to examine the Marketing topics through the CUEGIS concepts of change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovationand strategy.
Commercial marketing | |
For-profit organization | |
Goods | |
Market | |
Market growth | |
Market leader | |
Market orientation | |
Market share | |
Market size | |
Marketing | |
Marketing objectives | |
Mass markets | |
Niche markets | |
Non-profit organization (NPO) | |
People | |
Physical evidence | |
Place | |
Price | |
Process | |
Product | |
Product orientation | |
Promotion | |
Services | |
Social marketing | |
Target markets |
Bargain products | |
Consumer profiles | |
Cowboy products | |
Differentiation | |
Economy brands | |
Geographic segmentation | |
Market segment | |
Marketing mix | |
Marketing plan | |
Marketing planning | |
Marketing strategies | |
Mass markets | |
Niche markets | |
Place | |
Premium products | |
Price | |
Product | |
Product position map | |
Promotion | |
Psychographic segmentation | |
Target market | |
Targeting | |
Unique selling point (USP) |
3-point moving average | |
4-point moving average | |
Correlation | The relationship between two sets of numbers or variables, such as sales revenue at different times of the year. |
Cyclical variations | |
Extrapolation | |
Mean | |
Median | |
Modal | |
Moving average | |
Random variations | |
Range | |
Sales forecasting | |
Seasonal variations | |
Time series analysis |
Academic journals | |
Ad-hoc market research | Market research conducted as and when required for a specific problem that the organization is facing. |
Bar graphs | |
Cluster sampling | |
Consumer panel | |
Continuous market research | |
Convenience sampling | |
Ethics | |
Focus groups | |
Government publications | |
Histograms | |
Interviews | |
Line graphs | |
Market research | |
Media articles | |
Non-sampling error | |
Observations | |
Pie charts | |
Population | |
Primary research (or field research) | |
Qualitative research | |
Quantitative research | |
Quota sampling | |
Quota sampling | |
Random sampling | |
Sample | |
Sampling error | |
Scatter diagrams | |
Secondary research | |
Snowballing | |
Stratified sampling | |
Survey |
The marketing mix: Product
BCG matrix | |
Brand awareness | |
Brand development | |
Brand loyalty | |
Brand value | |
Cash cows | |
Dogs | |
Extension strategies | |
Packaging | |
Product life cycle (PLC) | |
Question mark | |
Stars |
The marketing mix: Price
Cost-plus pricing (or mark-up pricing) | |
Loss leader pricing | |
Mark-up (or the profit margin) | |
Penetration pricing | |
Predatory pricing | |
Price | |
Price discrimination | |
Price leadership | |
Psychological pricing | |
Skimming |
The marketing mix: Promotion
Above the line promotion (ATL) | |
Advertising | |
Below the line promotion (BTL) | |
Celebrity endorsement | |
Customer loyalty schemes | |
Direct mail | |
Direct marketing | |
Guerrilla marketing | |
Merchandise | |
Personal selling | |
Point of sale (POS) | |
Promotion | |
Promotional mix | |
Public relations | |
Sales promotion | |
Social media marketing (SMM) | |
Social networking | |
Sponsorship | |
Trade fair | |
Viral marketing |
The marketing mix: Place
Agents | |
Distribution (place) | |
Distribution channel | |
Intermediary | |
One-channel distribution network | |
Retailers | |
Telemarketing | |
Three-channel distribution network | |
Two-channel distribution network | |
Wholesalers | |
Zero-channel distribution network |
Goods | |
People | |
Physical evidence | |
Process | |
Services |
Business etiquette | |
Cultural exports | |
Direct investment | |
E-commerce | |
Exporting | |
Franchising | |
Globalization | |
Joint venture | |
International marketing | |
Legal constraints | |
Operational implications | |
Opportunities | |
Strategic alliance | |
Strategic implications | |
Threats |
Business to business (B2B) | |
Business to consumer (B2C) | |
Consumer to consumer (C2C) | |
Cybercrime | |
E-commerce | |
E-tailer | |
Footloose operations | |
Price transparency |
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