Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as “The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.” It is an area of computer science that develops the ability of smart machines to perform tasks rather than natural or human intelligence, such as motion or voice activated commands on smart devices.
AI enables computers and IoT devices (the Internet of things) to mimic human behaviour and actions, such as becoming familiar with different situations, learning from experiences, processing information to solve problem, and using data to inform decision making. In theory, AI enables businesses to make rational decisions based on data, rather than relying on human emotions and biases that can result in irrational choices and outcomes.
Case Study 1 - Apple's Siri
Siri is Apple’s digital assistant, which was launched in 2011 when the company integrated AI into its operating system. It was included as part of the iPhone 4S. Back then, Apple described Siri as the “most private digital assistant.”
Siri personalises AI to help iPhone users with countless tasks, such as setting timers and reminders (alarms), making hands-free phone calls, and completing online searches - all through voice activation. Today, Siri is integrated with all of Apple's products, including the Apple Watch, and with connectivity to cars, smartspeakers, and home appliances.
Examples of artificial intelligence in daily life include:
Apps that support commuters with virtual updates and alternative bus and train routes, showing people where to interchange and which platform to use.
Drive assist functions in motor vehicles can break automatically in emergency situations and assist drivers with parking in tight spaces (a feature of self-driving cars).
Facial and voice recognition systems to access online banking, to complete online purchases, and even to open security doors.
Online search engines, social media platforms (such as YouTube), streaming service providers (such as Netflix), and e-commerce businesses (such as Amazon) that provide recommendations that users are likely to be interested in, including social media feeds.
Satellite navigation systems, using the global position system (GPS) to provide live travel assistance to motorists and travellers using a smartphone or other satellite navigation device. Examples include Google Maps and Apple Maps, Bing Maps, and Waze (which is owned by Google).
Smart assistants (often referred to as "chatbots") that provide help with enquiries about banking, insurance, healthcare, as well as travel and tourism. This also covers the use of marketing chatbots.
ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) is a language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text responses to questions and prompts.
Smart home appliances, such as a smart fridge freezers (that auto clean and auto defrost when needed) and smart vacuum cleaner (that use sensors to detect when and where rooms need to be cleaned), without human input.
The use of predictive text functions when typing a message on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Amazon's Alexa is a popular voice assistant that relies on AI software
The chart below outlines some of the ways that AI is expected to change our way of living in the next 3 - 5 years.
Source: Statista
Artificial intelligence uses other aspects of management information systems (such as critical infrastructures and data analytics) to process large volumes of data in faster and more accurate ways than humans can. It relies on big data and automated statistical analysis, enabling machines to collate, analyze, understand, and learn from data through specifically designed coding and algorithms. Therefore, AI relies on the use of machine learning.
Machine learning is the use of computer systems, algorithms, and statistical models to enable electronic devices to memorize and adapt on their own without following direct instructions. As a dimension of artificial intelligence, it enables computers to learn and determine results based on patterns in large data sets to imitate intelligent human behaviour and decision making. For example, advanced machine learning is being used by social media businesses to tackle the issues related to fake news, hate speech, online scams, and dishonest advertising - all in real time.
The use of AI has revolutionised and will continue to transform the way in which businesses conduct their activities and develop their relationship with customers. In general, AI and machine learning have enabled businesses to know more about customers and to improve their ability to respond to the evolving needs of their customers. For example, AI enables service providers such as Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Spotify, TikTok, and Twitter to track data of users to determine their preferences and likes in order to adapt content more accordingly.
Case Study 2 - AI and ESports
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality have revolutionised e-sports, which were traditionally regarded as being relatively passive ways to participate in competitive activities. For example, in 2023, Singapore hosted the inaugural Olympic Esports Series Week, which combined physical moves with online games for international competitors from more than 60 countries. Some of the benefits of using AI in Esports include:
Reducing injuries in physical sports such as Taekwondo (an official Olympic Games sports competition)
Reduced costs of participating in sports such as motor racing.
Shaping the future of sports such as sailing, which becomes more inclusive such as catering for those who are not strong swimmers.
Reuters reported that the inaugural Olympic Esports Series Week is part of a global effort by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to remain relevant to young people and to embrace the latest technological advances. Olympic Esports and Olympic Esports Week are registered brands of the IOC.
Watch this CNBC video about how airlines price their tickets, using dynamic pricing based on artificial intelligence and complex algorithms.
In November 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, bringing artificial intelligence and machine learning to more than one million people in just the first month. Watch this short video from CBS Mornings that features Geoffrey Hinton, known as one of the godfathers of AI, who speaks about the past, present, and future of AI.
Finally, watch this video from Freethink that features Dr. Stuart J. Russell, a professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley and has been studying the development of artificial intelligence for 45 years. He warns that AI could pose an existential threat to humanity unless we can ensure that AI systems remain aligned with human values and goals. He argues for legislation before it becomes too late for humanity.
ATL Activity (Thinking and Research skills)
Matt Miller, author of AI for Educators claims that Artificial Intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the Internet, or even electricity. He also says that schools can use AI to empower teaching and learning.
In groups of 2 or 3, investigate and discuss the following:
What are the potential positive and negative impacts of AI on society?
Which jobs are likely to be impacted by AI and in what way?
What are things that make us unique as humans that AI can't do - or can't do as well?
How can AI help us with schoolwork without impeding our learning?
How can AI help us in our work in different careers?
What role do you think the creators of AI play in the responsible use of it?
Could people use AI in unethical ways? Harmful or destructive ways even?
Is it anyone's responsibility to stop people from using AI irresponsibly? Should it be the government's responsibility?
What if we find that AI is biased or inaccurate? Should we still use it - and to what extent?
Should AI tools like ChatGPT be available to students and teachers (as long as they're old enough to use them under the terms and conditions of service)?
Be prepared to share your responses with your teacher and the rest of the class.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise how we plan and deliver our lessons, as well as how our students learn. Matt Glanville, the IB’s head of assessment principles and practice, has said AI tools such as ChatGPT and chatbots should be embraced as “an extraordinary opportunity." Like any technological tool, educators need to learn how to use it correctly. It certainly has the potential to ease teacher workload, but there are also concerns about how students could misuse such tools.
This ATL Activity should prompt some good discussions, as well as provide meaningful insights for educators. You might even want to invite members of your school leadership team into the classroom to hear your students' presentations for this task.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Artificial intelligence means that businesses and machines can know us better than we know ourselves.
Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of artificial intelligence in the context of the above statement.
Key concept - Ethics
Do machines make better ethical decisions than human beings? Can machines make mistakes in the same way as people through human error?
Watch this TED Ed video here about the ethical dilemma of self-driving cars and unavoidable accidents.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that develops the ability of smart machines to perform tasks rather than natural or human intelligence, such as motion or voice activated commands on smart devices
Machine learning is the use of computer systems, algorithms, and statistical models to enable electronic devices to memorize and adapt on their own, thereby imitating intelligent human behaviour and decision making.
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