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3.9 True or False Quiz

Unit 3.9 True or False - Budgets (HL only)

To test your understanding of this topic (Budgets), answer the following true or false questions.

No.StatementTrue or False?
1.Budgeting helps managers to have better control an organization’s finances.


2.A department or unit of a business that incurs costs but is not involved in making any profit is known as a profit centre.

False - Cost centre

3.Budgets can be used to obtain information about the activities of competitors.

False - these are internal

4.Variance refers to the difference between the actual outcome and the budgeted or planned outcome.


5.Budgets helps managers to plan resource allocation within a business organization.


6.A profit centre is a part of an organization that incurs costs and also generates profit.


7.A budget can assist managers with planning, monitoring, and reviewing business activities.


8.A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has general control and management of the master budget of a company.


9.A master budget is used to schedule work and order raw materials.

False - this is a production budget

10.A drawback of using cost and profit centres is that it can be difficult to accurately and objectively assign overhead costs to each centre.


11.A sales budget is a forecast of the planned sales revenue by value or volume.


12.A limitation of budgeting is that there can be unforeseen changes which can impact on budgeted figures, causing large variances.
13.A marketing budget enables managers to plan spending on various promotional campaigns.


14.An advantage of using cost and profit centres is that managers are made more accountable for their department’s contribution towards costs.


15.A master budget consolidates the budgets from different departments within an organization.


16.A limitation of budgets is that they are less useful for businesses that face erratic and unpredictable fluctuations.


17.A production budget will impact on the amount of advertising, sponsorship, and sales promotion.

False - refers to a marketing budget

18.Delegating control to managers in charge of cost and profit centres may improve their level of motivation.


19.A limitation of budgets is that they ignore qualitative factors that may influence management decision-making.


20.Variances can classified as either favourable or adverse.


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