Unit 3 Key terms - Finance & accounts
Unit 3 Key terms - Finance and Accounts

Finance is vital to a firm's operations
It is through the correct use of subject terminology that students show their knowledge and understanding. This section of the IB Business Management syllabus looks at the finances of business organizations.
The finance and accounts section of the course examines aspects of financial control (such as cash flow and budgeting) and financial management accounts (such as the balance sheet, income statement and ratio analysis).
All business decisions have two impacts:
1. the impact on human resources (see Unit 2 - HRM), and
2. the impact on the organization's finances.
Business angels | |
Capital expenditure | |
Debt factoring | |
External sources of finance | |
Grants | |
Initial public offering (IPO) | |
Internal sources of finance | |
Leasing | |
Loan capital | |
Long-term finance | |
Medium-term finance | |
Overdraft | |
Personal funds | |
Retained profit | |
Revenue expenditure | |
Share capital | |
Share issue | |
Short-term finance | |
Stock exchange | |
Subsidies | |
Trade credit | |
Venture capitalists |
Average costs | This is the cost per unit of output. It is calculated by the formula: AC = TC ÷ Q where: AC = Average cost TC = Total cost, and Q = Quantity of output. |
Average revenue | This is the amount a business receives from its customers per unit of a good or service sold. Mathematically, AR = TR ÷ Q = P where: AR = Average revenue TR = Total revenue Q = Quantity of output, and P = Price. |
Costs | |
Direct costs | |
Fixed costs | |
Indirect costs | |
Price | |
Revenue | |
Revenue stream | |
Semi-variable costs | |
Total costs | This refers to the aggregate amount of money spent on the output of a business. The formula is: TC = TFC + TVC where: TC = Total costs TFC = Total fixed cost, and TVC = Total variable cost. |
Total revenue | This is the sum of income received by a business from its trading activities. It is calculated using the formula: TR = P × Q where: TR = Total revenue P = Price, and Q = Quantity of output. |
Variable costs |
Break-even | |
Break-even point (BEP) | |
Break-even quantity (BEQ) | The quantity of sales (sales volume) required for a firm to reach break-even. It is found by using the formula: BEQ = TFC / (P – AVC) where: TFC = Total fixed costs P = Price, and AVC = Average variable cost. |
Break-even revenue | |
Loss | |
Margin of safety | |
Profit | |
Target price | |
Target profit | |
Target profit output |
HL Only key terms are shown in italics.
Assets | |
Balance sheet | |
Copyrights | |
Creditors | |
Current assets | Short-term assets belonging to an organization which will last in the business for up to 12 months, such as cash, debtors and stock (inventory). |
Debtors | |
Declining balance depreciation | |
Depreciation | |
Final accounts | |
Finished goods | |
Fixed assets | |
Goodwill | |
Intangible assets | |
Intellectual property rights | |
Liabilities | |
Long-term liability | |
Net assets | |
Overdrafts | |
Patents | |
Residual value | |
Retained profit | |
Share capital | |
Stocks | |
Straight line depreciation | |
Trade creditors | |
Trademarks | |
Work-in-progress | |
Working capital |
Acid test ratio | |
Current ratio | |
Gross profit margin (GPM) | |
Liquidity ratios | |
Net profit margin (NPM) | |
Ratio analysis | |
Return on capital employed (ROCE) |
Creditor days ratio | |
Debtor days ratio | |
Efficiency ratio | |
Gearing ratio | |
Stock turnover ratio |
Bad debt | |
Cash | |
Cash flow | |
Cash flow | |
Cash flow forecasting | |
Closing balance | |
Credit control | |
Current assets | The short-term assets (belongings) of an organization that can be relatively easy to convert into cash. These comprise of: Cash Stocks (inventory), and Debtors. |
Current liabilities | The short-term debts of a business, which need to be repaid within twelve months of the balance sheet date. These comprise of: Overdrafts Trade creditors, and Short-term loans from banks. |
Debt factoring | |
Debtors | |
Liquidity problem | |
Net cash flow | |
Net current assets | |
Opening balance | |
Overdrafts | |
Profit | |
Sales revenue | The value of goods and/or services sold to customers. It is calculated using the formula: P × Q where: P = Price, and Q = Quantity. |
Short-term loans | |
Stocks | |
Tax | |
Trade creditors | |
Working capital | |
Working capital cycle |
Note: Key terms shown in italics are HL Only
Accounting rate of return (ARR) | |
Capital expenditure | |
Discount rate | |
Investment | |
Investment appraisal | |
Net present value (NPV) | |
Payback period (PBP) |
Adverse variance | |
Budget | |
Cost centre | |
Favourable variance | |
Profit centre | |
Variance | |
Variance analysis | |
Zero budgeting |
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