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EE Checklist

Extended Essay – Checklist

Students should consider and complete the following checklist prior to handing in their first and final submission of the Extended Essay to their Supervisor. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a PDF version to use with your EE students.

Criterion A – Focus and method (6 marks)

Criterion A – Focus and method (6 marks)

This assessment criterion focuses on the topic, the research question, and the methodology. It assesses the explanation of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research question), how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.



Needs work

The topic is clearly stated (which is not phrased as a question).

The research question is phrased as an actual question.

The research question is sharply focused so can be addressed within the 4,000-word count limit.

The research question focuses on a real business problem or issue that is worthy of investigation.

The research question provides opportunities for intellectual discovery and creativity/originality.

There is an explanation of how the research is helpful (adds value) in addressing the topic and research question.

The research question can be addressed by the use of secondary resources in the first instance.

If primary sources have been used, it is because the research provides information that is not accessible from secondary sources.

Primary research, if used, significantly enhances the value of the secondary data presented in the essay.

There is focus on the research question throughout the essay.

Research findings and arguments are causally linked to the research question throughout the essay.

The methodologies and research sources identified in the introduction have been used in the essay.

Each and every paragraph is directly related to the research question.

There are no superfluous materials included in any part of the essay.

Criterion B – Knowledge and understanding (6 marks)

Criterion B – Knowledge and understanding (6 marks)

This assessment criterion examines the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question, and the way in which this knowledge and understanding is demonstrated through the use of appropriate terminology and concepts.



Needs work

Relevant subject-specific terminology, tools, techniques, and concepts are defined and/or explained, in the context of the research question.

Subject-specific terminology, tools, and techniques are used in a consistent and appropriate way throughout the essay to address the research question.

Sources of data and information have been clearly identified.

The data and information included in the essay are of direct relevance to the research question.

The data selected offers appropriate breadth and depth in addressing the research question. Possible sources include:

  • company data and annual reports

  • news media articles

  • academic journals

  • magazine articles

  • industry analyses

  • business management textbooks

  • general business management books

  • encyclopaedias.

Appropriate business management tools, theories, and techniques have been integrated effectively throughout the essay (theory has not been presented as a separate section in the essay).

All sources have been accurately recorded in the bibliography.

Criterion C – Critical thinking (12 marks)

Criterion C – Critical thinking (12 marks)

This assessment criterion examines the extent to which critical thinking skills have been used to analyse and evaluate the research undertaken.



Needs work

The research question is a probing one.

The relevance of the chosen tools, techniques, and theories (to the research question) has been explained, i.e. how the tools, techniques, and theories help to answer the research question.

There is evidence of engagement with secondary sources that are used in a critical and reflective way.

There is clear evidence of critical thinking skills when analysing research sources and information presented in the essay.

Business management tools, techniques, and theories have been evaluated, as necessary.

Alternative viewpoints are acknowledged in order to critically evaluate arguments and conclusions presented in the essay.

There is acknowledgement of the quality, balance, and quantity of the research sources.

Any personal views are questioned in light of the research conducted by considering opposing perspectives of others.

Where appropriate to the research question, both quantitative and qualitative research has been included.

Discussions are explicitly and directly linked to the research question and the secondary data sources that have been cited.

There is inclusion of research materials and/or tools, theories, and techniques that go beyond the IB Business Management syllabus.

There is acknowledgement of the limitations and weaknesses of the methodology and data sources used in the research.

Appropriate analytical tools from the business management syllabus have been included, such as:

  • Ansoff Matrix

  • Boston Consultancy Group Matrix

  • Break-even analysis

  • Decision trees

  • Financial statements and ratio analysis

  • Fishbone diagram

  • Force field analysis

  • Position (perception) maps

  • Stakeholder analysis

  • STEEPLE analysis

  • SWOT analysis

The essay is written in an objective way, without personal biases or preconceptions.

The essay is evidently analytical and evaluative rather than descriptive.

The research results and findings have been used effectively to analyse the research question.

There is clear research evidence to back up the analysis and evaluation in the body of the essay.

Judgements are made and these have been fully substantiated, i.e. they are consistent with the argument presented in the essay and supported by evidence.

The research question as stated on the title page and in the introduction are directly addressed in the conclusion of the essay.

There is a culminating conclusion that summarizes all of the research and responses in relation to the research question.

The conclusion(s) has (have) been derived from the previous discussions in the body of the essay.

The conclusion(s) is (are) consistent with the findings, discussions, and arguments presented in the body of the essay.

There are no new ideas included in the conclusion(s), except for unanswered questions (where appropriate).

The conclusion(s) directly refers to and answers the research question.

The conclusion(s) has (have) been justified and validated, and derived from the evidence researched.

The conclusion does not include any recommendations (as they are not required in the essay).

Where appropriate, the conclusion indicates any unresolved questions, or new questions that have arisen from the study.

Criterion D – Formal presentation (4 marks)

Criterion D – Formal presentation (4 marks)

This assessment criterion examines the extent to which the presentation follows the standard format expected for academic writing and the extent to which this aids effective communication.



Needs work

A title page is included, showing the:

  • Topic

  • Research question

  • Session number (e.g. May 2022), and

  • Personal code (e.g. gmh007)

  • Word count declaration

The candidate’s name and number do not appear on any of the pages of the essay, including the title page.

A contents page has been included, and contains the following:

  • Introduction

  • Methodology

  • Main body, including appropriate sub-headings

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

  • Appendices

  • Numbered pages

The essay is formatted as follows, using:

  • Arial or Times New Roman font

  • Font size 11 or 12

  • 1.5 or double-spaced

  • Numbered pages.

There is a clear, consistent, and acceptable format used to write the essay.

There is effective and appropriate use of diagrams and graphs, where relevant to the research question.

Diagrams, graphs, charts, and/or tables, if used, are digitally produced.

The bibliography is accurate and complete, encompassing all works cited in the essay.

The bibliography and references follow a consistent format.

The appendices, if included, contain relevant supplementary evidence/material.

Any items placed in the appendices are relevant and have been referenced and/or referred to in the essay.

The appendices, if included, have been page numbered.

Each appendix item appears on a separate page with an appropriate title. These are clearly listed in the Contents page, with correct page numbering.

References (and in-text citation, if used) appear throughout the essay, including appropriate page numbering.

The ideas and arguments are written in a clear and structured manner.

The essay is saved as an acceptable file type (for electronic upload on IBIS):

  • PDF

  • DOC

  • DOCX

  • RTF

The file size must not exceed 10MB.

It is easy to follow the structure of the essay.           

Headings (and sub-headings if used) do not distract from the overall structure of the essay or argument presented.

The written report is within the word count limit of 4,000 words.

Criterion E – Engagement (6 marks)

Criterion E – Engagement (6 marks)

This assessment criterion examines the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed on the RPPF document, with the supervisory comments and extended essay itself providing the context for this. Only the first 500 words are assessable.



Needs work

The reflections highlight your thinking, planning, and reviewing at three distinct stages during the EE process.

There is reflective thinking about the approach to the written report and its limitations.

There is mention of at least one adjustment/change made to the research as the essay progressed.

There is clear evidence of reflective, critical thinking in the essay, thereby demonstrating engagement with the process.

There is justified consideration of at least one thing that you would have done differently if you were to write the essay again.

There is evidence of reflection on any biases or limitations that may have weakened the strength of the research or affected the objectivity of the findings.

The RPPF document has been completed within the 500-word count limit.

A declaration of the time spent with the EE supervisor has been declared on the RPPF (3 to 5 hours).

The RPPF document is duly signed by both the candidate and the supervisor.

Additional notes for students

  • Prior to the first submission, students should refer to this section of the InThinking Business Management website to help with the planning of the Extended Essay: the EE planning form.

  • For details about the appropriate use of citation and referencing in the Extended Essay, visit this page: Citation and referencing of the Extended Essay.

  • Vital before first and final submissions - refer to the guidance on understanding the EE assessment criteria by visiting this page on the InThinking Business Management website: Understanding the EE assessment criteria.

You can download a PDF version of this checklist below.

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