5.9 Management Information Systems (HL)
Unit 5.9 - Management Information Systems (HL only)
This topic is for HL students only
A management information system (MIS) refers to a computerised equipment and systems that collect, collate, analyse, and process data to support business decision making. MIS is an umbrella term that encompasses all aspects of digital information systems used to process, organise, and analyse data to facilitate improved management decision making. Examples include data mining, cybersecurity, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.
As its name suggest, an MIS system is compromised of three parts:
Management - this refers to the roles or functions of management, namely planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating, and directing resources.
Information - using raw data in such a way to add meaning and context to support business decision making.
Systems - computerised and digital components and networks used to support management decision making in order to achieve the organization's business objectives.
An effective digital MIS system presents the data in clear and appropriate ways to support improved decision-making. MIS is increasing important for businesses due to the pace at which markets are moving and the dynamic nature of the corporate world that often requires businesses to make quick and frequent decisions.
Effective management decision making is important as mistakes can be extremely costly for businesses. Hence, an effective MIS can help businesses to be more competitive and more efficient in ever-more dynamic business environments.
The learning outcomes (or assessment objectives) for this section of the IB Business Management syllabus are:
Data analytics (AO1)
Database (AO1)
Cybersecurity and cybercrime (AO1)
Critical infrastructures, including artificial neural networks, data centres, and cloud computing (AO2)
Virtual reality (AO2)
The Internet of things (AO2)
Artificial intelligence (AO2)
Big data (AO2)
Customer loyalty programmes (AO3)
The use of data to manage and monitor employees; Digital Taylorism (AO3)
The use of data mining to inform decision-making (AO3)
The benefits, risks and ethical implications of advanced computer technologies (collectively referred to here as “management information systems”) and technological innovation on business decision-making and stakeholders (AO3)
Note to teachers:
This is a completely new section of the syllabus. MIS has not been taught in previous iterations of the DP Business Management syllabus.
Please note that the topic covered here should be taught from the perspective of Business Management, rather than from a technical perspective (there is no need to go into the breadth or depth of these topics in the same way expected by DP Digital Societies candidates).
InThinking Business Management resources
Click the hyperlinks below to access the InThinking resources for this particular section of the IB Business Management syllabus.
Data analytics (AO1)
Database (AO1)
Critical infrastructures (including artificial neural networks, data centres, and cloud computing) (AO2)
Virtual reality (AO2)
The Internet of things (AO2)
Artificial intelligence (AO2)
Big data (AO2)
The use of data to manage and monitor employees (Digital Taylorism) (AO3)
The benefits, risks and ethical implications of MIS (and technological innovation on business decision-making and stakeholders) (AO3)
Unit 5.9 Gossary of key terms (Management information systems)
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