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Paper 1

The Paper 1 exam (first exams 2024)

The new Paper 1 takes a different approach to what we have seen in the last several iterations of the course. Noticeable changes are that there will no longer will be pre-release case study. Instead, the IB will issue a pre-release statement to provide some context to the unseen case study. In addition, Paper 1 is a common paper for SL and HL, i.e., all students will answer the same set of questions.

Overview of the Paper 1 examination
  • There will be a pre-released statement containing a small number of topics that provide context to the Paper 1 case study.

  • The topics in this pre-released statement are not in the syllabus (to account for the dynamic and contemporary nature of business management). The purpose is to assess candidates’ knowledge of important and contemporary business management topics that could not have been anticipated when the guide was written.

  • The pre-release statement is provided around 3 months prior to the examination, notifying candidates of the topics not in the guide that will be in the case study in the final examination.

  • Students are asked to research these topics for approximately 5 hours, researching these topics and learning the terminology. The topics in this pre-release statement build on those contained in the syllabus.

  • The pre-release statement will included an introduction to the Paper 1 case study. This introduction is approx. 200-words and contains the first couple of paragraphs to the case study. Typically, this will include some background information to the organization featured in the Paper 1 exam.

  • The rest of the case study is unseen and will consist of around 800 to 1,000 words released on the day of the actual Paper 1 examination.

  • Paper 1 has a qualitative focus, although there is the possibility that minor calculations can be included in the exam.

  • A 4-function calculator is permitted in Paper 1 (as there may be minor calculations).

  • All answers are to be written on separate answer sheets (unlike Paper 2).

Structure of the Paper 1 examination (SL and HL)

Section A

  • Answer all structured questions based on the case study.

  • The maximum score = 20 marks

  • All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, except for HL only topics.

Section B

  • Answer 1 out of 2 extended response questions based on the case study.

  • The maximum score = 10 marks.

  • All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, excluding the HL only topics.

  • Duration = 1 hour 30 mins


  • The total number of marks for Paper 1 (SL and HL) = 30 marks

  • The overall weighting of Paper 1 for SL is 35% and 25% for HL.

Comparing the syllabus change for the new Paper 1

Pre-release case study

(old syllabus, final exams N23)

Pre-release case study

(new syllabus, first exams M24)


  • Released in early February (for May centres) and August (for Nov centres)

  • Common case study for SL and HL

  • Provides context and background information for the Paper 1 exam

  • Additional information provided in the final examination paper


  • No teaching hours suggested for preparation, although “three weeks” was stated

  • Approx. 2,000 words in length (pre-seen case study)

  • Time allocated with 5 hours of recommended teaching for preparation

  • Around 200 words in length (pre-seen statement)

Duration of exam

  • SL = 1 hour 15 mins

  • HL = 2 hours 15 mins

  • HL extension questions

  • SL = 1 hour 30 mins

  • HL = 1 hour 30 mins

  • This is a common paper for SL and HL


  • SL = 30%

  • HL = 35%

  • SL = 35%

  • HL = 25%

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