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Extension strategies

Key terms

  • Differentiation is the process of distinguishing a firm’s product from those of competitors in the same industry. It can be used as a form of extension strategy to prolong a product's life cycle.

  • Extension strategies are marketing approaches used to lengthen the product life cycle. They are used as a product enters or is in the decline stage of its life cycle product because the market is saturated.

True or False Quiz

To test your understanding of this topic in the syllabus, have a go at the following true or false questions.

No.StatementTrue or false?
1.Maturity is the most profitable stage in the product life cycle.


2.Decline is the last phase in the product life cycle when sales fall to a level that eventually leads to the product being removed from the market.


3.Research and development is the phase in the product life cycle that involves investing in  marketing campaigns that make sure that people become aware of the new product.

False - this occurs at the introduction phase

4.A key aim of the growth phase in the product life cycle is to increase profits.


5.Product modification is the process of enhancing an existing product so as to attract more customers and to extend the product's life cycle.


6.Establishing a unique selling point (USP) can help to prolong the life cycle of a product.


7.If a product fails to attract sufficient customers, it will fail to enter the growth phase of the product life cycle.


8.An extension strategy is usually used during the growth phase in order to prolong the longevity of the product's life cycle.

False - it is used during the maturity stage

9.Price reductions can be used as an extension strategy to attract more customers.


10.All products go through the typical model of the product life cycle, from its launch (introduction) to eventual withdrawal from the market.


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