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Types of appraisal (HL)

Quiz - Types of appraisal

For each of the clues/statements below, identify the correct type of appraisal.

No.Clue/StatementType of appraisal
1.Appraisals that occur on an on-going basis.
2.Gathers feedback about the person being appraised from colleagues, line manager(s), and even customers.


3.Workers reflect on their own performance at work and rate themselves against performance targets or benchmarks.


4.Conducted at the end of a task, project, or contract period, with the appraisal encapsulating the employee's performance against pre-agreed performance targets.
5.The appraisal system that shifts the worker from being a passive participant to an active and reflective participant in the performance review process.


6.Used frequently to help workers identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need development.
7.Helps managers to recognize where workers are struggling and address problems immediately.


8.Often used by the senior management team to determine bonuses, pay rises, and promotions.
9.Typically, this type of appraisal uses questionnaires or interviews to gather feedback from peers about the appraisee's performance.


10.Type of appraisal that enables workers to scrutinize their own performance and assess their own strengths and weaknesses.


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Exam Practice Question

Explain the role of employee appraisals in business organizations.  [6 marks]

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Explain the role of employee appraisals in business organizations.  [6 marks]

An appraisal is a formal system of judging a person’s performance at work. The process usually consists of collecting data about an employee’s performance and contribution to the workplace through observations and interviews with the employee being appraised.

The role or purpose of staff appraisals include:

  • To measure performance – A key purpose or role of appraisals is to ensure employees are working to the required standard as stated in their employment contracts. This also means that appraisals are used to hold employees accountable for their performance in the workplace.

  • To reward employees for high performance – Staff who meet or exceed their performance targets may be eligible for bonuses, pay rises, and possibly internal promotion to managerial positions.
  • To identify staff training and development needs – Staff appraisals, such as self-appraisals, give opportunities for managers to identify training and development needs of their teams. Feedback from employees can help manager to identify specific staff training and development needs. This can also help the business to personalize staff training, rather than providing generic training to all employees (which can be very costly yet reap limited benefits).

  • To give employees a voice – Appraisals enable two-way communications between the employer and employees. They provide employees with the opportunity to ask questions, express their concerns, make recommendations, and to share their views or opinions. Hence, giving employees a voice helps to improve staff morale as well as provide managers with potentially meaningful and useful feedback.

  • To improve staff performance – Ultimately, the role or purpose of staff appraisals is to improve the performance and productivity of workers in the organization. Using regular appraisal meetings helps managers to identify which employees have performed well. For those who under-perform, summative appraisals help to identify skills gaps and training needs so that all workers can perform their job roles even better.

  • Accept any other relevant role or purpose of employee appraisals.

Award up to [2 marks] if the answer shows only a limited understanding of the demands of the question. The response lacks detail and/or application.

Award up to [4 marks] for an answer that demonstrates some understanding of the demands of the question. The response may be overly theoretical/descriptive and/or lacks effective application.

Award up to [6 marks] if the answer demonstrates a good understanding of the demands of the question. The response shows detailed explanations of the importance of staff appraisals. There is appropriate use of terminology throughout the answer, with effective application of the stimulus material.

Key terms

  • 360-degree appraisal provides feedback from a range of people who work with or interact with the appraisee, such as their line manager, co-workers, subordinates and possibly customers.

  • An appraisal (also known as a performance review or performance appraisal) is the formal procedure of assessing the performance and effectiveness of employees in relation to their job description and the organization's business objectives.

  • Formative appraisals take place on a regular and continual basis in order to allow workers to improve their performance and effectiveness.

  • A self-appraisal involves individual employees reflecting on and evaluating their own performance against the pre-agreed standards and practices in the workplace.

  • Summative appraisals are conducted periodically over a period of time (usually per year) or at the end of a major task or project.

2.4 Appraisal quiz

Have a go at this quiz to check your understanding of the various types of appraisal.

Performance appraisals help to ensure employees work to their potential and also to grow.

Performance appraisals help to keep employees accountable for their work. This should therefore improve their level of interest/stake in the job, thus helping to ensure staff work to their potential. Effective performance appraisals can also help workers to grow professionally.


Which term describes the formal periodic assessment of an employee’s performance and goals at work?

Performance review refers to the formal appraisal of an employee in the workplace.


Which term describes the process of formally evaluating an employee’s performance against their job description?

The term appraisal refers to the formal process of evaluating an employee’s performance based on his/her job description and pre-agreed targets/objectives.


Which statement below does not apply to performance reviews?

Despite their potential benefits, performance appraisals (if carried out properly) are both costly and time-consuming activities.


Which of the following is not a type or form of performance appraisal?

Performance related pay is a possible result of performance appraisal in many occupations, rather than a type of performance appraisal.


Which option below refers to the periodic assessment of performance (against a given benchmark) and an employee’s achievements in the workplace?


Which appraisal method involves gathering and processing feedback from everyone who directly works with the employee and/or has direct contact with the employee?

As the name suggests, 360-degree appraisal involves getting feedback from everyone who has direct communication/work with the employee, irrespective of their position in the organization, as well as the views of relevant external stakeholders such as customers.


Which type of appraisal occurs on an ongoing basis, involving a senior employee who assesses a worker’s performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and determines training needs?

Formative appraisal means ongoing performance appraisals. Performance reviews conducted on a regular basis typically involves a senior manager who assesses an employee’s performance, identifies his/her strengths and weaknesses, and determines suitable training needs for the employee.


Which form of appraisal involves an employee assessing themselves against various performance targets or criteria?

As the name suggests, self-appraisal involves employees assessing themselves against various performance targets / criteria. It is intended to lead to self improvement and reflection.


Which term is used to describe the person undergoing performance reviews?

An appraisee is the person being appraised for performance management purposes.


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