Abbreviations Quiz
Not only are there more than 700 key terms in the Glossary of key terms for the IB Business Management course, there are plenty of abbreviations that students also need to know. Using the list below:
State what each of the abbreviations stand for.
Define the key term in your own words (the ones in italics are HL only).
AI Artificial intelligence | ARR Average rate of return | ATL Above the line |
BEQ Break-even quantity | BTL Below the line | COS Cost of sales |
CPA Critical path analysis | CSR Corporate social responsibility | CTB Cost to buy |
CTM Cost to make | EST Earliest start time | FFA Force field analysis |
FMA First mover advantage | IPP Intellectual property protection | JIC Just in case |
JIT Just in time | JV Joint venture | LFT Latest finish time |
M&A Mergers and acquisitions | MNC Multinational company | MOS Margin of safety |
NGO Non-governmental organization | NPV Net present value | PED Price elasticity of demand |
PLC Product life cycle | R&D Research & Development | ROCE Return on capital employed |
SMM Social media marketing | TC Total cost | TFC Total fixed cost |
TVC Total variable cost | TR Total revenue | TQM Total quality management |
TTL Through the line | USP Unique selling point | VR Virtual reality |
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