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Cradle to cradle design & manufacturing

Features of cradle to cradle design and manufacturing (AO2)

Cradle to cradle (C2C) design and manufacturing refers to a sustainable, waste-free production model in which all material inputs can be recycled or reused, or are consumable or compostable. This sustainable approach to operations management helps to minimise the negative impacts of production on the natural environment.

C2C requires design and manufacturing that minimises waste and the impact of manufacturing on the planet. For example, this could include reducing excess packaging, using recycled materials, making goods more durable (so there is less of a need to replace them so frequently), and using sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods (which help to reduce waste and pollution).

Examples of products using a C2C manufacturing process include manufacturers of recyclable glass bottles for water and wine. The glass is totally recyclable, so can be reused, thereby minimising the impact on the environmental. By contrast, single-use plastic water bottles and plastic carrier bags are a major source of non-biodegradable waste and pollution, thus have a major negative impact on the environmental.


C2C is commonly used in making glass products

Cradle to cradle focuses on the 5 Rs:

  • Refuse

  • Reduce

  • Reuse

  • Recycle, and

  • Rot (biodegradable)

Cradle to cradle products are made using environmentally friendly and sustainable materials, which can then be stripped down and reused after the original product is no longer required (such as natural textiles and glass products).

 ATL Activity (Thinking skills) - C2C T-shirts

Read this article from that details how C&A, a Dutch multinational retailer of clothes, launched T-shirts using the C2C standard.

Apart from being green and lean, C2C can also help to improve a firm’s corporate image. It requires consideration of the ethics of decision-making, and can provide a firm with a unique selling point.

However, C2C design and manufacturing is likely to incur higher costs, thus leading to higher priced products.

Zero waste and C2C design and manufacturing is becoming very popular in the fashion industry. Watch this short video clip about Daniel Silverstein, founder of “Zero Waste Daniel” (ZWD), who turns fabric scraps into unique pieces of clothing:

This is a fascinating Tedx Talk about zero waste in our everyday lives. Bea Johnson talks about how her family of four produces just a small jar of waste each year. She covers the importance of the 5Rs for zero waste: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot:

 Business Management Toolkit (BMT)

Discuss the importance of circular business models for effective and sustainable cradle to cradle design and manufacturing.

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