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The impact of MNCs on host countries (AO3)

Key terms

  • Foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to cross-border investment in which an overseas company establishes an ongoing and significant stake in its operations in another economy.

  • A multinational company (MNC) is any business organization that has operations overseas, i.e., it operates in two or more countries.

Exam Practice Question

Exam Practice Question


Define the term multinational company (MNC).

[2 marks]


Explain two drawbacks for countries that host MNCs.

[4 marks]

 Teacher only box


(a)  Define the term multinational company (MNC).  [2 marks]

A multinational company (MNC) is any business that has operations overseas, i.e., it operates in two or more countries.

Award [1 mark] for an answer that shows some understanding of the term multinational company.

Award [2 marks] for an answer that shows good understanding of the term multinational company, similar to the example above.

(b)  Explain two drawbacks for countries that host MNCs.  [4 marks]

Possible drawbacks could include:

  • Negative impacts on domestic firms - Large foreign multinational companies can force smaller domestic businesses to lose sales revenue and market share. In extreme cases, they can even cause the domestic firm to collapse as the larger foreign MNCs are more efficient and cost effective.

  • The pressure to attract FDI and MNCs can be overwhelming. It can be complex, challenging, and expensive for governments to attract MNCS, such as the burden on taxpayers if the government uses grants, subsidies, and other forms of financial incentives to attract foreign companies to operate in their countries.

  • Globalization encourages more consumption, so causes the world to use up finite resource more quickly. This can raise the costs of production for businesses in the long term.

  • Growing interdependence brought about by internation trade and MNC operations can make the host country over-reliant on foreign companies to provide employment in the home country, thereby making it more vulnerable. If one country or region suffers from an economic recession, the downturn is likely to cause ripple effects in the host country too.

  • Accept any other valid drawback that is clearly explained.

Mark as a 2 + 2

For each drawback, award [1 mark] for a valid point and [1 mark] for an accurate explanation of that drawback.

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