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1.6 Glossary of key terms

Unit 1.6 - Glossary of key terms: Multinational Companies (MNCs)

Key term


Foreign direct investment (FDI)

This refers to cross-border investment in which a foreign company establishes an ongoing and significant stake (financial interest and degree of influence) in its operations in another economy.

Host country

This is any nation that allows a multinational company to set up in its country.


Refers to the process of greater integration and interdependence of businesses and economies throughout the world.

Gross domestic product (GDP)

GDP is a measure of the monetary value of a country’s annual output or its national income. MNCs contribute to the host country's GDP.

Multinational company (MNC)

A business that operates in two or more countries or is legally registered in more than one country.

Protectionist policies

These are measures imposed by a country to reduce the competitiveness of imports, such as tariffs (import taxes), quotas, and restrictive trade practices.


This is a key benefit of growth through multinational companies and occurs when the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. A larger MNC, with synergy, perhaps through a merger or acquisition of another business located overseas, creates greater levels of output, and improved operational efficiency.

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