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Unit 4 - Marketing

The recommended teaching hours from the IB for Unit 4 of the Business Management syllabus are as follows:

  • SL = 30 hours
  • HL = 35 hours

The IB Business Management syllabus content for Unit 3 is outlined below. There are six topics in Unit 4: Marketing.

Selected Pages

  • EE Planning form

    "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”- Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), recipient of...

  • 1.7 Organizational planning tools (HL only)

    “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), a Founder Father of the USAPlanning...

  • McDonald's - Supersize Me

    This is a great documentary, albeit a bit long, about McDonald's. Follow the story of Morgan Spurlock who eats only McDonald's...

  • Formulae Quiz

    Formulae QuizAlthough students are supplied with a formulae sheet in the examination (both Paper 1 and Paper 2), please...

  • 5.4 Location

    The vast majority of businesses need to be positioned well if they are to succeed. Business location encompasses various...

  • 2.4 Motivation and demotivation

    2.4 Motivation and demotivation“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”- Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013), the first...