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The roles of cost & profit centres

Key terms

  • A cost centre is a section or division of a business organization that has costs clearly identified and attributed to its operations, which are recorded for budgetary purposes.

  • A profit centre is a section or division of a business organization that has both costs and revenues clearly identified and attributed to its operations, which are recorded for budgetary purposes.

Exam Practice Question

Explain two reasons why businesses may choose to set up cost centres or profit centres.  [4 marks]

 Teacher only box


Possible reasons could include (any two of):

  • To support decision making in the organization, based on financial data, such as decisions about whether to invest or divest in a particular aspect/division of the business.

  • Improved accountability as cost and profit centres help to hold specific divisions of the business accountable for their costs and/or revenues. This means being abl to identify and hold managers and their teams accountable for operational and financial inefficiencies (as well as rewarding those who perform better than anticipated).

  • Increasing motivation in the workplace by providing departmental managers and their staff with autonomy (to do their work) and incentives (to perform better than budgeted). For example, divisions that perform favourably may receive financial bonuses and/or individuals may be promoted for their efforts and achievements. The use of profit centres in particular can help to empower managers and their staff by delegating authority and control to departmental managers and increasing staff morale within the different cost and profit centres of the organization. also helps in improving motivation.

  • Accept any other relevant reason, such as any two from the MAMA acronym, such as autonomy and/or monitoring and control.

Award [1 - 2 marks] for a limited response that shows some understanding of the demands of the question. There is limited use of appropriate business management terminology or a lack of detail. Award up to [2 marks] if only one reason is provided.

Award [3 - 4 marks] for an accurate response that shows good understanding of the demands of the question. There is appropriate use of relevant business management terminology throughout the answer, with two reasons explained in detail.

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