Unit 2 - HRM
Human resource management (HRM) is about the personnel of an organization. This topic covers a range of content regarding the people of an organization, such as recruitment, training, motivation, and management or leadership.
Human resources (employees, managers, executives and entrepreneurs) are vital to the success of an organization, yet human resource management is one of the most difficult and challenging roles for any manager or leader.
The IB recommended teaching hours for this Unit 2 of the IB Business Management syllabus are as follows:
- SL = 20 hours
- HL = 35 hours
The IB Business Management syllabus content for Unit 2 is outlined below. There are seven topics in Unit 2:
The topics in this section of the IB Business Management syllabus can be looked at through the four key concepts of change, ethics, sustainability, and creativity.
Human resource management and conceptual understandings (from the guide):
People play a major role in driving organizational change
Creative employees could be essential for business success
Ethical human resource systems may positively affect employee performance
Sustainable human behaviour can bring positive change in a business.
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