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2.1 True or False quiz

Unit 2.1 - True or False quiz

To test your understanding of this topic (Introduction to human resource management), answer the following true or false questions.



True or False?


The rise in the number of flexi-time workers is an example of demographic change affecting human resource planning.


2.Forecasting an organization’s current and future staffing needs is part of workforce planning.


3.Human resource management aims for effective management of an organization’s workforce to help it achieve its business objectives.


4.Workforce planning, recruitment, retention, redundancy, and performance management are all part of effective human resource management (HRM).


5.The term used for a person who has several different part-time jobs, all carried out simultaneously, is a teleworker.

False - portfolio worker

6.Portfolio workers have the flexibility to make use of their various skills set to maximize earnings.


7.Occupational mobility refers to the ease and flexibility of workers to move from one location to another for different jobs opportunities.


8.Change refers to processes and techniques used to plan, implement and evaluate changes in business operations.

False - this is change management

9.Misinformation and misunderstanding are key reasons for the resistance to change in the workplace.


10.Different people can have different interpretations or views of a given situation (different assessment of the situation) can create resistance to change.


Now have a go at the following additional true or false questions. The answers are self marked, but you can use the explanations that follow to support your revision.


Offshoring is the term used to describe the relocation of business operations back to their country of origin, after having originally moved overseas, on account of cost reasons.

The term is re-shoring


A growing trend towards flexitime / part time and a fall in numbers of full time workers is a demographic change affecting workforce planning.

A growing trend towards flexitime / part time and a fall in numbers of full time workers is a demographic change affecting workforce planning.


Appraisals are conducted to help to assess an employee’s performance against targets.

Appraisals are conducted to help to assess an employee’s performance against targets.


360-degree appraisal describes an appraisal involving collecting feedback about an employee’s job performance from peers, line managers and subordinates.

360-degree appraisal describes an appraisal involving collecting feedback about an employee’s job performance from peers, line managers and subordinates.


The term used to describe the process of scrutinising various roles and responsibilities of a job prior to recruitment is market analysis.

The term is job analysis


Forecasting an organisation’s current and future staff needs is part of workforce planning.

Forecasting an organisation’s current and future staff needs is part of workforce planning.


The term used to describe a type of appraisal where employees appraise themselves against a predetermined criteria, reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses is self- appraisal.

The term used to describe a type of appraisal where employees appraise themselves against a predetermined criteria, reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses is self- appraisal.


The term used to describe a document which details job title, roles, duties and responsibilities of a job is job description.

The term used to describe a document which details job title, roles, duties and responsibilities of a job is job description.


The coming of new communication technologies has made it easier for larger businesses to recruit globally with reduced costs of online advertising, recruitment and interviews.

The coming of new communication technologies has made it easier for larger businesses to recruit globally with reduced costs of online advertising, recruitment and interviews.


The main problem with outsourcing has been issues of ethics, with outside contractors resorting to dubious and unethical ways to keep costs low.

The main problem with outsourcing has been issues of ethics, with outside contractors resorting to dubious and unethical ways to keep costs low.


Screening describes the identification of a few suitable candidates for an interview, from all the applicants who best fit the profiles in a job description and person specification.

It is called shortlisting


Human resource management aims for an effective management of an organisation’s workforce to help the organisation achieve its objectives.

Human resource management aims for an effective management of an organisation’s workforce to help the organisation achieve its objectives.


The term used to describe a situation when a business can no longer afford to employ a worker, or the job ceases to exist on account of seasonal or technological factors is redundancy.

The term used to describe a situation when a business can no longer afford to employ a worker, or the job ceases to exist on account of seasonal or technological factors is redundancy.


The term used to describe the document that details the ideal profile of a desirable candidate including qualifications, skills and experiences desired is a person specification.

The term used to describe the document that details the ideal profile of a desirable candidate including qualifications, skills and experiences desired is a person specification.


Workforce planning, recruitment, retention, redundancy and performance management are all part of effective human resource management.

Workforce planning, recruitment, retention, redundancy and performance management are all part of effective human resource management.


The term used for appraisal on an ongoing basis to enable an employee to improve his performance or work practices is referred to as formative appraisal.

The term used for appraisal on an ongoing basis to enable an employee to improve his performance or work practices is referred to as formative appraisal.


The recent trend among businesses for re-shoring as a human resource strategy is influenced by increased wage costs in countries like China.

The recent trend among businesses for re-shoring as a human resource strategy is influenced by increased wage costs in countries like China.


A high labour turnover could imply a happy and contented work force.

A high labour turnover is often indicative of an unhappy workforce


Behavioural training includes leadership courses, team building courses, and stress management courses.

Behavioural training includes leadership courses, team building courses, and stress management courses.


A selection test designed to reveal the personality of the candidate as well as their level of motivation for the job is referred to as an aptitude test.

It is a psychometric test


The labour turnover rate for a business which sees the resignation of 30 workers in a year out of a workforce of 300 would be 10%.

The labour turnover rate for a business which sees the resignation of 30 workers in a year out of a workforce of 300 would be 10%.


The term for end of year appraisal, generally by way of an interview of an employee by the line manager is formative appraisal.

It is summative appraisal


Training has many benefits for a business, including improved staff motivation, greater productivity and efficiency, and improving the reputation of the business.

Training has many benefits for a business, including improved staff motivation, greater productivity and efficiency, and improving the reputation of the business.


The term used for a person having several different part-time jobs, all carried out simultaneously is teleworker.

The term is portfolio worker


The term for training involving developing of mental skills to improve work related performance is cognitive training.

The term for training involving developing of mental skills to improve work related performance is cognitive training.


Internal recruitment involves hiring people from within the existing workforce to fill a new vacancy and could make it harder to get new ideas into a business.

Internal recruitment involves hiring people from within the existing workforce to fill a new vacancy and could make it harder to get new ideas into a business.


Portfolio workers provide flexibility to a business and allow an employee to make use of his or her various skills to maximise earnings whilst giving him/her the benefit of flexi-timing.

Portfolio workers provide flexibility to a business and allow an employee to make use of his or her various skills to maximise earnings whilst giving him/her the benefit of flexi-timing.


The term used to describe training carried out off-site is off-the- job training.

The term used to describe training carried out off-site is off-the- job training.


A disadvantage of induction training is that it can be costly as it diverts senior managers away from their jobs.

A disadvantage of induction training is that it can be costly as it diverts senior managers away from their jobs.


Occupational mobility refers to the ease and flexibility for workers to move from one location to another for better jobs opportunities.

This is called geographical mobility.


Businesses that supply taxi services, deliver fast food, or deliver parcels (postal packages) are a major part of the gig economy.

Such businesses are commonplace in the gig economy, hiring workers (contractors) to do these jobs as and when required.

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