Glossary: Production planning
Glossary of key terms: Unit 5.5 Production planning (HL Only)
Buffer stock | The minimum stock level that a firm wishes to hold at any point in time. |
Capacity utilization | Refers to the extent to which an organization operates at its maximum level (known as the firm’s productive capacity). |
Capacity utilization rate | Measures a firm’s actual output as a percentage of its capacity (maximum potential output), at a particular point in time. |
Capital productivity | This measures how efficiently an organization’s fixed assets are used to generate output for the business. |
Cost to buy (CTB) | In a ‘make or buy decision’, this method calculates the total cost of subcontracting production to a third-party supplier. |
Cost to make (CTM) | In a ‘make or buy decision’, this method calculates the total cost of producing the product in-house, instead of using a third-party provider. |
Finished goods | Completed final products of a business that are ready to be sold to consumers. |
Just-in-case (JIC) | A stock control system that relies on the use of reserve or buffer stocks in order to meet changing levels of demand. |
Just-in-time (JIT) | A lean stock control system that relies on deliveries of stock being made just in time for them to be used in the production process. |
Labour productivity | This measures the average output per worker, for a given period of time. |
Lead time | The timeframe (or time lag) from when a firm places an order for stock and it receiving delivery of the stock. |
Make or buy decision | The choice of managers whether to manufacture a product in-house (make) or to purchase it (buy) from a third-party subcontractor. |
Maximum stock level | The most amount of stock that a firm wants to hold at any point in time, given its storage facilities and capacity. |
Productive capacity | The maximum level that a firm is able to operate at, given the resources it has. |
Productivity | Refers to the level of efficiency in the production process. The more productive resources are, the more output they generate. |
Raw materials | Natural resources used in the production process, e.g. wood, fish, physical land, and water. |
Reorder level | The level of inventory when a firm is required to reorder its stock. |
Reorder quantity | The amount of new stock that is ordered for production. |
Semi-finished goods | Inventory consisting of work-in-progress, i.e. components of an incomplete product. |
Stock control chart | A visual tool used to monitor and analyse a firm’s stock levels. It shows the rate at which stocks are used, when stocks are order, how long they take to be distributed, and when they are delivered. |
Stock-out | This occurs when a business has no more stock for production or sale, i.e. it is out of stock. |
Stockpiling | This occurs if a business orders more stock than it would usually do, perhaps in anticipation of higher levels of demand during economically prosperous times, such as peak trading periods. |
Supply chain management (SCM) | The art of managing and controlling the sequence of activities from the production of a product to it being delivered to the final customer. |
Usage rate | This shows the speed (rate) at which stocks are used in the production process. |
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