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Glossary: Organizational planning tools (HL)

Glossary of key terms: Unit 1.7 Organizational planning tools (HL Only)

Chance node

Shown as circles on a decision tree diagram, this represents the probable outcome of different decisions.

Decision node

Shown as squares on a decision tree diagram, this refers to a decision that needs to be made.

Decision trees

A visual management tool, illustrating the likely outcomes arising from various decisions that an organization can pursue.

Driving forces

These are the factors that push for or support change in a business organization.

Fishbone diagram

Also known as the cause and effect diagram, this visual tool is used to determine the root cause(s) of a particular problem or issue.

Force field analysis

A decision making tool used to identify and weigh up the driving forces for and the restraining forces against change.

Gantt charts

A visual organizational tool used to show the sequencing and timing of different tasks in a business project.

Restraining forces

These are the are the factors that act against or obstruct change in a business organization.

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