HL IA - Student Checklist
You should consider and complete the following checklist prior to handing in your first and final submissions of the HL Internal Assessment. Given that the HL IA is marked using level descriptors, it is important that you fully understand the assessment criteria. Using the following checklist will help you in this process.
Criterion A – Research proposal and action plan | |
The research question is phrased as a forward-looking question, and requires a recommendation to be made. | |
Both the teacher and student agree that it is realistically achievable to address the research question within the word limit. | |
The RP and AP follow the prescribed format:
| |
There is evidence that the RP and AP is a working and active document. | |
Issues of confidentiality, if any, have been declared. | |
The word count does not exceed 500 words. | |
The total word count has been declared. | |
The RP and AP appear as a separate document from the written report. | |
The RP and AP appear before the title page (of the written report). |
Criterion B – Sources and data (written report) | |
There is sufficient and appropriate primary data sources used. | |
At least two of these sources offer different perspectives. | |
The data and information are of direct relevance to the research question (the issue, problem or decision in question). | |
Sources of data and information have been clearly identified. | |
The data selected offers appropriate breadth and depth in addressing the research question. | |
Where secondary research has been used, the data supplement the primary research. | |
All sources have been appropriately recorded in the bibliography. |
Criterion C – Use of tools, techniques and theories (written report) | |
There is clear identification of business management tools, techniques and theories in the written report. | |
The relevance of the chosen tools, techniques and theories (to the research question) has been explained. | |
Relevant business management tools, techniques and theories are applied in the context of the chosen organization. | |
These tools, techniques and theories have been evaluated as necessary. |
Criterion D – Analysis and evaluation (written report) | |
The ideas presented in the written report are coherent and consistent. | |
There is integration of ideas and arguments in the analysis. | |
The results and findings have been used effectively to analyse the issue, problem or decision in question. | |
There is clear evidence to back up the analysis and evaluation in the written report. | |
Judgements are made and these have been substantiated. |
Criterion E – Conclusions (written report) | |
Relevant conclusions have been provided. | |
The conclusions directly refer to the research question. | |
The conclusions refer directly to the findings and analysis presented in the written report. | |
The conclusions have been derived from the previous discussion in the written report. | |
The conclusions are consistent with the findings, discussions and arguments presented in the written report. | |
There are no new ideas included, except for unanswered questions (where appropriate). |
Criterion F – Recommendation(s) (written report) | |
There are recommendations. | |
These are consistent with the conclusions. | |
They are realistic (feasible) recommendations. | |
They have been substantiated. | |
The recommendations answer the research question. | |
Areas for further study have been identified (where appropriate). |
Criterion G – Structure (written report) | |
The ideas and arguments are written in a clear and structured manner. | |
There are references made to the findings and ideas, with any corresponding supporting materials placed in the appendices. | |
It is easy to follow the structure of the written report. |
Criterion H – Presentation (written report) | |
The written report follows the required format:
| |
The executive summary includes the:
| |
The executive summary is written in past tense. | |
The executive summary does not exceed 200 words. | |
The pages are numbered. | |
The written report is within the word limit of 2,000 words. | |
Business management terminology has been used throughout the written report. | |
References (and in-text citation, if used) appear throughout the written report, including page numbering. | |
There is no superfluous material included in the written report. | |
A complete bibliography has been included. | |
The bibliography and references follow a consistent format. | |
Items in the appendices are relevant and have been referenced or referred to in the written report. | |
The appendices have been page numbered. | |
Each appendix item appears on a separate page with an appropriate title. These are clearly listed in the Contents page, with correct page numbering. | |
Interview transcripts, if used, must:
| |
The title page includes:
Criterion I – Reflective thinking (written report) | |
There is reflective thinking about the approach to the written report and its limitations. | |
There is evidence of reflective, critical thinking in the written report. |
For further guidance on understanding the HL IA assessment criteria, click the link here.
Download a PDF copy of this checklist to use with your students for the HL IA here.
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