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SL IA - 20 Sample Titles

Formulating an appropriate SL IA research question

Getting the research question is vital to getting a good grade based on the assessment criteria. Students need to choose an issue (research question) that:

  • engages their interest

  • is realistic in terms of access to secondary resources

  • is well focused

  • meets the criteria for IB assessment

  • The research question should enable students to show evidence of critical and reflective thinking.

The written commentary must not be a descriptive piece of work.

This is an example of a good SL IA research question:

To what extent did product diversification contribute to Samsung’s current position in the global smartphone industry?

This is a good example of a title because it:

  • is specific and focused

  • encourages the application of business tools, theories, and techniques

  • requires secondary research (supporting documents)

  • is manageable (within 15 hours and 1,500 word limit)

  • requires a (justified) conclusion.

Top tip - Getting the title right with the 5S model

The above research question "To what extent did product diversification contribute to Samsung’s current position in the global smartphone industry?" is a good example of a title because it complies with the 5S model of a good SL IA:

  • Specific = purposefully focused

  • Syllabus = tools, theories, and techniques

  • Secondary research = supporting documents

  • Systematic = manageable / methodical

  • Substantiated = requires a justified conclusion.

So, for example, the following question would not be appropriate as an SL IA research question:

Should BMW continue to diversify in the electronic cars market?

We can use the 5S framework to explain why:

  1. Specific = purposefully focused. BMW produced its first hybrid electric i8 car back in 2011 (more than a decade ago). With many countries banning petrol and diesel cars within the next 10 years, BMW has little choice but to expand in the electric vehicles sector.

  2. Syllabus = tools, theories, and techniques. Appropriate TTTs could be used to answer this question, although it may be simply descriptive and/or theoretical only.

  3. Secondary research = supporting documents. There is unlikely to be any evidence to suggest that BMW should not expand in the e-vehicles market. Hence, the supporting documents are likely to lack any balance.

  4. Systematic = manageable / methodical. Counter arguments might be challenging.

  5. Substantiated = requires an evaluative and justified conclusion. The research question does not provide opportunities for critical and reflective thinking.

IB Business Management

Internal Assessment – Standard Level

SL IA Sample Titles

These 20 title questions are from actual SL IA students who achieved 20 marks or higher.

Note: Some of these IA titles included dates/years, but these have been removed here to keep the titles more relevant to InThinking users.

  1. How effective is Greenpeace’s BTL promotional strategies in Hong Kong?

  1. How effective is The Body Shop’s social marketing campaign in raising public awareness of family planning?

  1. How effective are Ocean Park’s promotional methods in increasing its visitor numbers?

  1. How effective is the Student Council as a channel of communication for students at SJS School?

  1. Does the current salary structure at PricewaterhouseCoopers demotivate the junior staff?

  1. Is Pret A Manger's subscription model (£20 per month for up to 5 drinks a day) likely to succeed?

  1. How effective is SaVita Solar’s current methods of promotion in London?

  1. Can Pagoda Publishing’s product strategy work to rescue the company?

  1. What is the most suitable BTL promotional strategy for WWF in launching its sustainability campaign?

  1. How effective is the pricing strategy of ‘The Standard' (newspaper)?

  1. Will HMV’s plan to develop its product mix be enough to ensure long term survival in Japan?

  1. How effective has McDonald's marketed its McCafe concept to penetrate the coffee retail sector in Hong Kong?

  1. What impact will the recall of Toyota’s cars have on the brand in Christchurch?

  1. Will the merger of Continental and United Airlines be a financial success?

  1. How can TKL Engineering best meet the motivational needs of its employees in Shenzhen?

  1. Has the decision to emphasize corporate social responsibility been a profitable decision for Starbucks in Singapore?

  1. Has using Li Na (celebrity tennis player) been a successful product endorsement strategy for Taikang Life (Chinese life insurance company)?

  1. To what extent did focused marketing (of US basketball shoes) lead to Nike's domination over Adidas in the US athletics footwear industry?

  1. How feasible would it be for Nha Tran Coffee to use franchising as a growth strategy?

  1. To what extent did (product) diversification lead/contribute to Samsung Mobile’s current position in the (global smartphone) industry?

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