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4.4 Market research

Unit 4.4 Market research

Top tip!

Market research is vital to the completion of much of the IB Business Management assessment, including the Internal Assessment and Extended Essay. Students must therefore be aware of market research techniques (covered in Unit 4.4).

In addition, they need to be aware of the market research requirements related to ethics and sampling methods, such as the moral and mindful treatement of interviews, surveys, and questionnaires that might be undertaking for their research.

The November 2019 Subject Report (available in full on My IB / the PRC) stated:

"Unfortunately, it was evident that many candidates lacked a real grasp of research principles and as a result did not collect the necessary data, or collected superfluous data that did not relate directly to the research question. Some candidates relied far too much on secondary data, almost ignoring the primary data in their appendices. Those candidates who collected primary data, which was appropriately referenced and focused on their research question, were able to access the higher mark grades." (page 4)

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