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4.2 Vocab Quiz

Unit 4.2 Marketing Planning Vocab Quiz

Read the clues below and stste the correct key term for each one.

1.Marketing mix component that targets communications at potential and existing customers, e.g., advertising and public relations.
2.A systematic review of the current marketing strengths and weaknesses of a firm.
3.Component of marketing whereby specific markets are identified, and their size and other characteristics are investigated or examined.
4.Aspect of marketing mix which focuses on the ways in which a product is presented in an appealing way to customers.
5.The purchaser of a good or service.
6.Type of research which focuses on the comments, suggestions, and opinions of respondents rather than being statistical.
7.The practice of selecting a representative group of a population for primary market research purposes.
8.Refers to a visual marketing tool that shows the customers' perception of a product or brand in relation to others in the market.
9.The process of categorising customers into distinct groups of people with similar characteristics (such as age or gender) for research and targeting purposes.
10.An exclusive feature or aspect of a business, its products or brands that makes it distinct from others in the same industry.