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2.4 Motivation and demotivation

2.4 Motivation

2.4 Motivation and demotivation

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
- Nelson Mandela (1918 - 2013), the first president of South Africa

An important part of any manager’s role is to motivate employees in order to achieve organizational goals. Motivation exists when workers do something because they actually want to, rather than because they have to. It is the intrinsic desire to do something, so has a direct impact on how workers behave, and how efficient (productive) they are.

The learning outcomes (or assessment objectives) for this section of the IB Business Management syllabus are:

  • The following motivation theories: (i) Taylor, (ii) Maslow, and (iii) Herzberg (motivation-hygiene theory) (AO3)

  • The following motivation theories (HL only): (i) McClelland’s acquired needs theory, (ii) Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, and (iii) Equity and expectancy theory (AO3)

  • Labour turnover (HL only) (AO2, AO4)

  • The following types of appraisal (HL only): (i) Formative, (ii) Summative, (iii) 360-degree feedback, and (iv) Self-appraisal (AO2)

  • Methods of recruitment (HL only) (AO2)

  • Internal and external recruitment (HL only) (AO3)

  • The following types of financial rewards: (i) Salary, (ii) Wages (time and piece rates), (iii) Commission, (iv) Performance-related pay (PRP), (v) Profit-related pay, (vi) Employee share ownership schemes, and (vii) Fringe payments (AO2)

  • The following types of non-financial rewards: (i) Job enrichment, (ii) Job rotation, (iii) Job enlargement, (iv) Empowerment, (v) Purpose/the opportunity to make a difference, (vi) Teamwork (AO2)

  • The following types of training: (i) Induction, (ii) On the job, and (iii) Off the job (AO2)

 Teacher only box

Note to teachers

Please note the following changes to the new syllabus (first exams M24).

  • Daniel H. Pink's Drive theory of motivation (AO3) has been removed, so should no longer be taught.

  • J.S. Adams' equity theory is now HL only, as part of equity and expectancy theory (AO3).

  • HL only content has been added: (i) McClelland’s acquired needs theory, (ii) Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, and (iii) Equity and expectancy theory (AO3).

  • As the CUEGIS concepts have been removed, the following learning outcome has also been removed: How financial and non-financial rewards may affect job satisfaction, motivation and productivity in different cultures (AO2).

Please also note that much of the content in the previous version of Unit 2.1 (final exams N23) have now shifted to Unit 2.4 of the new guide. Specifically, these changes are as follows:

  • Labour turnover (HL only) (AO2, AO4)

  • The following types of appraisal (HL only): (i) Formative, (ii) Summative, (iii) 360-degree feedback, and (iv) Self-appraisal (AO2)

  • Methods of recruitment (HL only) (AO2)

  • Internal and external recruitment (HL only) (AO3)

  • The following types of training: (i) Induction, (ii) On the job, and (iii) Off the job (AO2).

Please be aware of this change if/when using resources for the previous syllabus, such as past IB exam papers and mark schemes.

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