1.2 Smart quiz questions
Unit 1.2 Smart quiz questions
Review your understanding of Unit 1.1 Introduction to business management by taking this smart quiz. You will need to drag and drop the correct terms into the spaces provided in each question. There are 18 questions in total in this quiz. Do note that there are distractors (incorrect options) included as an extra challenge!
social predominantly Not-profit specifically Charities public private
are altruistic organizations that operate in the sector with the goal of promoting a worthwhile cause.
Charities are altruistic organizations that operate predominantly in the private sector with the goal of promoting a worthwhile social cause.
unlimited shareholders group liability organisation stakeholders Establishments Companies
(corporations) refer to any business that is owned by its , who have .
Companies (corporations) refer to any business organisation that is owned by its shareholders, who have limited liability.
non-profit secondary primary Cooperatives for-profit Corporations
are social enterprises owned and run by their members (usually employees, managers or customers). Their goal is to create value for their member-owners.
Cooperatives are for-profit social enterprises owned and run by their members (usually employees, managers or customers). Their primary goal is to create value for their member-owners.
binding deed of Partnership costs purpose contract profits partnership contract
A legally that all joint owners of a partnership sign, stating the of the business, the formal rights of the partners, and how any should be split, is known as a
A legally binding contract that all joint owners of a partnership sign, stating the purpose of the business, the formal rights of the partners, and how any profits should be split, is known as a deed of partnership.
shareholders spent stakeholders Limited liable invested
liability is the legal status of a business enables its (business owners) not to be for more than the original amount of money in the business.
Limited liability is the legal status of a business enables its shareholders (business owners) not to be liable for more than the original amount of money invested in the business.
shares capital running funds maintenance profits unlimited Limited
partnership is a special type of partnership where some partners contribute and enjoy a share of the but do not participate in the of the business. At least one partner must still have liability.
Limited partnership is a special type of partnership where some partners contribute capital and enjoy a share of the profits but do not participate in the running of the business. At least one partner must still have unlimited liability.
large finance providers owners micro-finance providers small entrepreneurs
Financial organizations that advance very amounts of money to of small businesses, especially females and those on low incomes are known as .
Financial organizations that advance very small amounts of money to entrepreneurs of small businesses, especially females and those on low incomes are known as micro-finance providers.
organizations non-profit private shareholders for-profit stakeholders public
Non-governmental (NGOs) are a type of organization (NPO) operating in the sector of the economy for the benefit of others in society (rather than for ).
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are a type of non-profit organization (NPO) operating in the private sector of the economy for the benefit of others in society (rather than for shareholders).
40 responsible Entrepreneurs Partnership owners 2 Collaboration 20
A refers to a business alliance consisting of between and individual who are jointly for the business (although this number can vary between countries).
A Partnership refers to a business alliance consisting of between 2 and 20 individual owners who are jointly responsible for the business (although this number can vary between countries).
individuals sole traders private public
The sector is a section of the economy is made up of businesses that are owned by or groups of individuals, rather than by the government.
The private sector is a section of the economy is made up of businesses that are owned by individuals or groups of individuals, rather than by the government.
owners PLC private limited company (LTD) public limited company (PLC) LTD split-stock joint-stock general public
A company owned by shareholders. The shares in a can be bought and sold by the , without prior approval of existing owners, is known as a .
A joint-stock company owned by shareholders . The shares in a PLC can be bought and sold by the general public, without prior approval of existing owners, is known as a public limited company (PLC) .
partnerships organizations public private franchises
Public-private are jointly established by the government and a sector business(es) in order to provide certain goods or services.
Public-private partnerships are organizations jointly established by the government and a private sector business(es) in order to provide certain goods or services.
essential services economy industry public sector experiences private sector
Businesses in this section of the are run and owned by the government in order to provide for society as a whole, e.g. education and healthcare services, operate in the .
Businesses in this section of the economy are run and owned by the government in order to provide essential services for society as a whole, e.g. education and healthcare services, operate in the public sector.
silent investor partnership daily non-executive executive organization strategic
A sleeping partner, also known as a partner, is an in a but who does not get involved in the running and management of the organization.
A sleeping partner, also known as a silent partner, is an investor in a partnership but who does not get involved in the daily running and management of the organization.
benefit Social enterprises revenue-generating stakeholders shareholders satisfy non-profit
are organizations are businesses with community (social) objectives at the core of their operations in order to the general public, rather than private .
Social enterprises are organizations are revenue-generating businesses with community (social) objectives at the core of their operations in order to benefit the general public, rather than private shareholders.
organization entrepreneur responsibility sole trader shareholder partner authority
An which is owned by a single who has exclusive for the running of the business, is known as a (sole proprietor).
An organization which is owned by a single entrepreneur who has exclusive responsibility for the running of the business, is known as a sole trader (sole proprietor).
exchange marketplace general public investors shares public control private government products
A stock is any where the and other can buy and/or sell in limited companies.
A stock exchange is any marketplace where the general public and other investors can buy and/or sell shares in public limited companies.
Limited shareholders traders assets debts owner Unlimited
liability means the (s) of a business (such as a sole trader or partner) is personally liable for any business , even if this requires the debts to be settled by selling off personal .
Unlimited liability means the owner(s) of a business (such as a sole trader or partner) is personally liable for any business debts, even if this requires the debts to be settled by selling off personal assets.
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