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The role of entrepreneurship & intrapreneurship

ATL Activity 1 - What do we know about famous entrepreneurs?

Get students to research one entrepreneur / business leader of their choice - perhaps one of those listed above. They could gather information such as:

  • Line(s) of business
  • Leadership / management style
  • Historical perspective – how did s/he get involved in business?
  • What makes them successful in business?
  • Net wealth
  • Fun facts – for example, Jack Ma – founder of Alibaba – was once an English teacher, having failed his English proficiency three times at first and being the only applicant during a recruitment round not to be hired by KFC!

It is not necessary for students to collect information for all of the above – these are only suggestions.

This task may prove to be particularly useful for students when writing their CUEGIS essays, addressing Criterion E (Individuals and societies) in Paper 2, Section C.

ATL Activity 2 - What can we learn from famous entrepreneurs?

Students should create an A3 poster about a famous entrepreneur of their choice. Details could include the entrepreneur's key achievements and successes. You can then use these as classroom displays and students can use these posters for future reference.

Three examples (from my own students) are shown below.

Case Study – Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner is an American self-made billionaire. She is the founder of cosmetic company Kylie Cosmetics ( In March 2019, aged just 21, she became the world’s youngest billionaire. According to Forbes magazine, in 2019, Jenner earned more than Kanye West, Lionel Messi, Ed Sheeran and Cristiano Ronaldo, and was only second to Taylor Swift in their annual list of top-paid celebrities.

Since her teenage years, Jenner has had considerable influence among the youth on social media. With over 150 million followers, she is one of the most followed people on Instagram. In November 2019, American multinational beauty company Coty bought 51% of the shares in Kylie Cosmetics for a staggering $600 million.

The economic success of a nation is largely dependent on the entrepreneurial spirit within the country. An entrepreneurial culture encourages risk taking in the pursuit of profit. Entrepreneurs also create jobs in the economy, thereby further contributing to the wealth of the country.

CUEGIS essay

Discuss how change and innovation have affected an entrepreneur who you have studied.  [20 marks]

Watch this documentary about Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, who became the youngest billionaire in history at the time and is one of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs:

Watch this HBO documentary about Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest men, who started from a humble background to go on to lead global conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway:

And for something quite different, this 25-minute showcases the entrepreneurial mindset of Jack Ma, the founder of Jack Ma is a self-made multi-billionaire, who has failed more times in life than most people, but his strive for excellence seems to know no boundaries. And to think, he was once an English teacher in China having failed his English proficiency exams several times and being the only applicant rejected by KFC!

Read more about Jack Ma’s love for martial arts and how this has transformed his business and entrepreneurial talents in Business Insider.

Top tip!

A successful entrepreneur needs to be a RISER. One way that might be useful to remember the important traits of a successful entrepreneur is that the acronym "RISER":

  • Risk taker (willing to take calculated business risks)
  • Innovative (creative / original thinking)
  • Strategist (strategic thinking)
  • Enthusiastic (passion / energetic / drive)
  • Resilient (ability to accept constructive feedback and setbacks)


Intrapreneurship describes the traits of individuals who work for an organization (so are not self-employed) but act as entrepreneurs. An intrapreneur operates in a similar way to entrepreneurs, by taking the lead on implementing new initiatives or growth strategies in order for the business to thrive and remain competitive.

The characteristics and skills of intrapreneurs are the same as entrepreneurs, such as their creative talents and innovative, forward thinking. They take risks and solve business problems. They are leaders in their own rights. Individual store managers of large fast food restaurant chains can be described as intrapreneurs. Intrapreneurs are also common in the public sector and charitable organizations.

However, entrepreneurs own a stake in their business. They risk their own money, whereas intrapreneurs are unlikely to. The risks taken by entrepreneurs are always of a higher level.

This is an inspirational 8-minute TEDx video about real-life applications of intrapreneurship, titled “Intrapreneurship - more than a spelling mistake?”:

Watch these hour-long documentaries from the BBC series How we made our Millions, featuring Peter Jones (Dragons' Den) who meets leaders of highly successful companies and tries to see if there are common DNA traits between these entrepreneurs.

This one features the Constantines (Lush) and Chris Dawson (The Range):

This second documentary features Michelle Mone (Ultimo, the UK’s biggest producer of lingerie) and Richard Reed (Innocent Smoothies):

Watch this revision video to consolidate your understanding of intrapreneurship, with plenty of examples to help improve your application skills:

ATL Activity 3 - The Real Founder (of McDonald's Hamburgers) 2018

In 2017, the movie The Founder was released, profiling the life of Ray Kroc - credited as the Founder of McDonald's. In 1954, Ray Kroc was a travelling salesman of milkshake mixers. However, it was the McDonald brothers who actually started the business, before Ray Kroc bought the business.

Get your students to watch this 30-minutes documentary about the real founder of McDonald's, and answer the questions that accompany the documentary.


Q1. What made the McDonald brothers go into the fast food industry?

A1. They saw a hot dog stand on the side of the road and realised they were in the wrong business!

Q2. What gave the McDonald brothers the idea of “fast-food”?

A2. Their waiters going back and forth to serve customers was too time consuming, especially as customers were in their cars.

Q3. Did people enjoy the concept of “fast-food” at first?

A3. No, people did not like the paper cups and bags; they didn’t like having to get out of their cars to order their food.

Q4. Why did the McDonald brothers continue with their fast food business?

A4. Eventually the idea caught on; cab drivers (taxi) liked it because it was fast and children liked it because they didn't have to wait.

Q5. How did the idea of the Golden Arches come about?

A5. When they franchised the business, they didn't like how the architects made the buildings, so they tried putting colonial house style columns, and linked them so they became an arch.

Q6. Where did McDonald's get the idea of “condiment pumps” from?

A6. On a tour of a local candy (sweets) factory.

Q7. Where did the McDonald brothers get their milkshake machines from?

A7. From a businessman called Ray Kroc - who went on to buy the business from the McDonald brothers.

Q8. Who did the McDonald brothers sell their business to?

A8.  Ray Kroc - the same person they had bought their milkshakes from(!)

Q9. Why couldn't the new owner of McDonald's change the name (or the name of its menu items)?

A9. Under the sales and purchases contract, Ray Kroc would need written approval from the McDonald brothers.

Q.10 Who said “Take it Easy and enjoy life”?

A10. Richard McDonald (being one of the one of the McDonald brothers, he was one of the real founders of McDonald's).

Download a PDF worksheet version here of these questions for use in class with your students.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

To what extent is leadership influenced by cultural norms?

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Are leaders ‘born’ or ‘made’? How can we truly know if there is a scientific answer to this question?

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