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Types of for-profit social enterprises

Key terms

  • Cooperatives are for-profit social enterprises that are owned and managed by their members.

  • for-profit social enterprise uses commercial business practices in order to achieve social goals, such as improving the environment, building better communities and developing social wellbeing.

  • Microfinance providers are for-profit social enterprises that offer a financial service to those without a job or on very low incomes.

  • Public-private partnerships (PPP) are jointly established by a government and one or more private sector businesses.

Some social enterprises are not run for profit, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and charities. However, even these non-profit organizations must earn a surplus from their business in order to continue operating. The difference is that the surplus is reinvested back in the social enterprise and/or the community.

Click the link to read more about types of non-profit social enterprises.

Exam Practice Question

(a)  Define the term public-private partnership (PPP).   [2 marks]

A public-private partnership (PPP) is a project jointly funded and operated by the government and one or more private sector organizations. For example, Research & Development conducted at universities or pharmaceutical companies is often funded using a PPP model. In this situation, the government might provide a capital subsidy or a financial grant to the university or pharmaceutical company to entice private investors to conduct R&D.

Award 1 mark for a description that shows some understanding of a ‘public-private partnership’.

Award 2 marks for a definition that shows a clear understanding of ‘public-private partnership’, similar to the example above.

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