Stakeholder conflict
Case Study - Dealing with stakeholder conflict at Virgin Group
"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients." - Sir Richard Branson
Many people and businesses argue that customers are the most important stakeholder group and that their needs must be met in order for the business to succeed. They argue that the customer is always right, even if / when they are wrong.
Sir Richard Branson (b.1950), founder of the Virgin Group, strongly believes that stakeholder conflict need not exist by placing the interests of employees first. He argues that by doing so, employees will look after the company's customers, which will ultimately bring value to shareholders (stockholders).
Watch this short video featuring Sir Richard Branson, who talks about why he thinks this is so important for his business (and any business). Thank you to Rebecca Graham, from Chester International School in the UK, for suggesting and sharing this video link:
The Virgin Group consists of more than 400 different companies that operate in different industries. According to Sir Richard Branson, the company's ethos is based on delivering exceptional customer service by first looking after their employees.
CUEGIS essay
Examine how the corporate culture and business strategy have been influenced by two or three stakeholder groups in an organization of your choice. [20 marks]
Glossary of key terms
- Arbitration is a method of conflict resolution used to resolve stakeholder conflict by considering the perspectives of all parties involved in the dispute. All stakeholder groups in conflict agree to accept the decision or judgment of the arbitrator.
- Compromise is a method of conflict resolution that involves stakeholders deliberately making considerations for other stakeholders, despite their differences.
- Conciliation is a method of conflict resolution that involves using a third party to align the incompatible interests of different stakeholder groups. Conciliators support both parties in a dispute to better understand each other’s interests and needs, which can help to resolve stakeholder conflicts.
- Conflict refers to the mutually exclusive and incompatible interests of different stakeholder groups.
- Pressure groups are organizations consisting of like-minded individuals who come together for a common cause or concern.
- Share ownership schemes are a method of conflict resolution that enables workers to purchase shares in the company at a discounted price, thereby granting them part ownership of the business and aligning their interest in the firm’s financial performance and success.
- Worker participation (or industrial democracy) is a method of conflict resolution that involves employees having a direct say in how things are done in the workplace. This enables workers to have some degree of decision-making power, which can help to minimise potential conflict between employees and employers.
Watch this 11-minute video to recap your knowledge and understanding of internal and external stakeholders, their objectves, and managing stakeholder conflicts. After watching the video, have a go at the Review Questions below for this section of the IB Business Management syllabus.
Review Questions
Fill in the missing parts in the following text:
- These are the firm’s rivals, which operate in the same industry and contest for the same customers.
Which group’s main interest is how the organization’s operations impacts on the cause they support?
Pressure groups are keen to know the impact that businesses have on the causes they support.
Fill in the missing parts in the following text:
- Method of stakeholder conflict resolution which aims to align the incompatible interests of different stakeholder groups by helping different parties to better understand each other’s interests.
Which of the following is most likely to be internal stakeholders of a privately held company?
Shareholders of a privately held company are the owners, so are classified as internal stakeholders.
Which stakeholder group consists of individuals and/or organizations with an investment interest in a particular business?
Shareholders invest capital in the company that they co-own with other shareholders.
Fill in the missing parts in the following text:
- Method of stakeholder conflict resolution with all stakeholder groups in conflict agreeing to accept the decision or judgment of the independent arbitrator.
Fill in the missing parts in the following text:
- The general public and local businesses that have a direct interest in the activities of the organization. They are interested in the firm’s ability to create jobs and to operate in a socially responsible way.
What are the owners of limited liability companies called?
Shareholders are the owners of limited liability companies.
Which stakeholder group is most likely to be interested in changing government policies?
Pressure groups are likely to lobby governments to change policies to support their cause, such as environmental protection.
What arises because a business is unable to simultaneously meet the competing needs of all its stakeholders?
Conflict arises when the competing needs of different stakeholders cannot be met at the same time.
Have a go at more questions about Unit 1.4 Stakeholders from the InThinking Business Management Question Bank here.
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