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Vision and mission statements

ATL Activity 1 (Communication skills) - Inspirational mission statements

"You will attract the best employees who have a real passion for your business if you give them a noble cause that you are all committed to.”
- David Snow, CEO Medco Health Solution (b.1954)

Click here for a useful infographic titled “The 24 Most Inspirational Company Mission Statements”. Take a thorough look and then answer the following questions:

  • What similarities are there between these mission statements?

  • Explain to someone else in the class three reasons why these mission statement may be considered to be 'inspirational'?

ATL Activity 2 (Thinking skills) - School vision and mission statements

  • Define the meaning of a mission statement.

  • What is your school's vision and / or mission statement?

  • How well do you think it aligns with the mission statement of the International Baccalaureate (see below)?

"The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."

A mission statement sets out the purpose, values, and beliefs of an IB World School (or any organization), thereby establishing the philosophy of the school in a simple and clear way to all stakeholders of the school, including teachers, parents, students, non-teaching staff, governors and the local community.

The school's mission and/or vision statement is likely to be available on the school's website - if it isn't, you could discuss why this might be the case.

In principle, all IB World Schools should align with the IB's mission statement stated above. Encourage students to discuss the extent to which their school's practices align with the IB's mission statement.

ATL Activity 3 (Research skills) - CUEGIS, Missions & Visions

"Vision without execution is daydreaming"
- Bill Gates (b.1955), Co-founder of Microsoft

  • For an organization of your choice, find the mission statement and/or vision statement.

  • Comment on the usefulness of the statement from the perspective of various stakeholders, such as employees, customers, managers, shareholders, suppliers, the government, and the local community.

  • Investigate the extent to which the organization is achieving its aims and/or organizational objectives.

  • How do the CUEGIS concepts fit into the organization's mission statements and/or vision statement.

  • Report your findings to the class.

It is extremely useful for students to consider the organization's vision, mission, aims and/or objectives when answering the CUEGIS essay (Paper 2, Section). After all, everything a business does in terms of its strategies, should align with the organization's vision and/or mission.

Students are not expected to recite their chosen organization's vision and/or mission statement, but outlining this in a clear and succinct way can be very useful in helping students to write their responses in the context of their chosen business organization. Choosing relatively straightforward examples could simply things for students. For instance, McDonald's vision statement is simply "to be our customers’ favourite place and way to eat and drink.”

Top tip!

For the CUEGIS essay, it is useful for students to know the vision or mission statement of the business organization being discussed. Students do not necessarily need to memorise the statement word for word, should be able to communicate the vision or mission of the organization. This is important because whichever of the 6 concepts are being discussed, students must write their answers in the context of what the business stands for and what its ultimate goal is, i.e. its vision and mission.

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