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1.6 Multinational companies

Unit 1.6 Multinational companies (MNCs)

This section of the IB Business Management syllabus examines the growth and evolution of businesses. Almost all businesses strive to grow, whether this is measured in terms of sales revenue, profits, number of stores / outlets, number of employees or market share.

Businesses often have to evolve their practises and/or products in order to survive (see Box 1 below). For example, although Samsung is best known for its smartphones and consumer electronic products, the multinational conglomerate is also involved with weapons manufacturing, life insurance and theme park management. Samsung originally started traded as a grocery store.

The single learning outcome (or assessment objective) for this section of the syllabus are:

  • The impact of multinational companies (MNCs) on the host countries (AO3)

 Teacher only box

Note to teachers

Please note that this topic featured in the previous syllabus (final exams N23) as part of Unit 1.6 Growth and evolution. The learning outcomes were formally:

  • Reasons for the growth of multinational companies (MNCs) (AO3), and

  • The impact of MNCs on the host countries (AO3)

These have now changed to the single learning outcome in the new guide:

  • The impact of MNCs on the host countries (AO3).

 Case Study - The evolution of famous products and brands

Have a go at this starter quiz with your students. What was the original intended commercial purpose for each of these brands or products?

Brand / product

Original purpose


bipolar disorder

Bubble Wrap



medicine to help relieve exhaustion

Duct Tape

waterproof tape for repairing military equipment


containers for pies

Hugo Boss

military uniforms


anti-septic for cleaning floors


wallpaper cleaner


anti-nausea and headache sunglasses for pilots


heart problem and low blood pressure

* According to Freakonomics, sales revenue increased from $115,000 to more than $8 million within 7 years of rebranding Listerine as an oral healthcare product.

 InThinking Business Management resources

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