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1.3 Organizational objectives - Question bank

 Quiz task

Unit 1.3 Organizational objectives - Question bank

Test your understanding of this topic in the IB Business Management syllabus by answering these questions. This is a "dynamic quiz", so feel free to revisit this page regularly as the questions are updated each time you take this quiz.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - CSR refers to an organization’s decisions and actions that impact society in a positive way.


Drag the text boxes to fill in the missing parts in the following text:

                 existing brandproduct development growth risk SWOT Internal influence favourablenew Ansoff development weaknesses StrengthsDiversification penetration

A    analysis is a decision-making tool, which can be used to determine current and future internal and external factors which can impact on a product,    , or business.    factors are those which a business has    and control over.     are internal factors which are    , whilst    are internal factors which are unfavourable to the business. The    Matrix is an analytical tool that helps managers to devise their    and market    strategies. Market    is a growth strategy that involves selling existing products in    markets. Market    involves a business selling    products in existing markets. Product    involves a business selling new products in existing markets.    involves a business selling new products in new markets, so such unknowns mean that it is the highest    strategy in Ansoff’s Matrix.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - This growth strategy in the Ansoff matrix that involves introducing new products to existing customers by developing or replacing current products.


Which of the following would not be an example of an ethical objective set by a business?

An ethical objective is a goal that is based on a business providing a social or environmental benefit.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - An inspiring declaration of what an organization ultimately strives to be, or to achieve, in the distant future.


Which strategy involves a business selling new products in new markets?

Diversification involves a business selling new products in new markets.


Which document sets out the purpose and values of a business?

A mission statement briefly defines the reason for the business’ existence.


Which of the following is not a reason for a business setting ethical objectives?

Setting ethical objectives may mean a business needs to change the way it does things (for example, changing to a fair trade supplier) and this can result in high operational costs.

Drag the text boxes to fill in the missing parts in the following text:

      measurableachievableDrucker specificrelevanttime-specific

Peter    suggested that organizational objectives should be SMART. Objectives set by a business should be clearly defined (   ) and be quantifiable to see if they can be achieved for not (   ), set within reasonable reach (   ), be of use to the purpose of the organization (   ), and have a timeframe set (   ).


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - A succinct and motivating declaration of an organization’s purpose of existence, who they are and what they do.


What is the term used to describe the medium- to long-term objectives set by senior managers to guide the business to achieve its aims?

Strategic objectives are the medium- to long-term objectives set by senior managers in order to guide the business to achieve its organizational aims.


Which of the following involves analysing positive and negative factors, internal and external to a business and its operations?

A SWOT analysis is a decision-making tool, which can be used to determine current and future internal and external factors which can impact on a product, brand, or business.

Which of Ansoff’s four strategies represents the highest risk approach for a business?

Diversification involves a business selling new products in new markets, so these unknowns mean that it is the highest risk strategy in Ansoff’s Matrix.


According to Ansoff’s Matrix, which strategy involves selling existing products to existing customers?

Market development is a growth strategy that involves selling existing products in new markets.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

These are factors in the external business environment that create prospects or openings for a firm’s growth and development.  


Which of the following statements is not true about a vision statement?

Although a vision statement outlines where a business sees itself going in the future, it does not provide measurable targets or a timeframe.


What are the day-to-day objectives set by floor managers of a business known as?

Operational objectives are the day-to-day objectives set by floor managers.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

These are the external factors that create challenges for an organization wishing to expand in overseas markets. 


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - Organizational goals based on moral guidelines that determine decision-making.


Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

    - These are moral guidelines or codes of practice which govern good organizational behaviour.

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