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2.1 Introduction to HRM

2.1 Introduction to human resource management (HRM)

"The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going no one knows where. We must prepare our children, not for the world of the past. Not for our world. But for their world. The world of the future."
- John Dewey (1859 - 1952), American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer

In this unit of the IB Business Management syllabus, students learn about the role of human resource management, internal and external factors that influence human resource planning, reasons for resistance to change in the workplace, and human resource strategies for reducing the impact of change and resistance to change. The key concepts (change, ethics, sustainability, and creativity) are all relevant throughout this section of the syllabus.

The learning outcomes (or assessment objectives) for this section of the IB Business Management syllabus are:

  • Role of human resource management (AO2)

  • Internal and external factors that influence human resource planning (AO2), for example:

  1. demographic change

  2. change in labour mobility

  3. immigration

  4. flexi-time

  5. gig economy

  • Reasons for resistance to change in the workplace (AO2)

  • Human resource strategies for reducing the impact of change and resistance to change (AO3)

 Teacher only box

Note to teachers

Please note the following changes to the new syllabus (first exams M24).

  • Labour turnover (AO2) has been moved to Unit 2.4 (Motivation and demotivation). This is now a HL only topic and the assessment objective changes to AO2 and AO4. Hence, students will now need to calculate labour turnover.

  • Common steps in the process of recruitment (AO2) has been removed. In the new Unit 2.4, there is coverage of Methods of recruitment (HL only) (AO2) as well as Internal and external recruitment (HL only) (AO3).

  • Types of training (AO2) has been moved to the new Unit 2.4, with induction, on the job and off the job now specified in the new guide (page 27).

  • Types of appraisal (AO2) has also been moved to the new Unit 2.4 but is now a HL only topic.

  • Common steps in the processes of dismissal and redundancy (AO1) has been removed in the new guide.

  • How work patterns, practices & preferences change & how they affect the employer & employees (AO2) has also been removed.

  • The new guide includes a new section on Reasons for resistance to change in the workplace (AO2) as well as Human resource strategies for reducing the impact of change and resistance to change (AO3).

  • Outsourcing, offshoring and re-shoring as HR strategies (AO3) has been removed. However, please note that outsourcing, offshoring and re-shoring appear in Unit 5.4 Location as part of the Operations management unit.

  • How innovation, ethical considerations & cultural differences may influence HR practices & strategies (AO3) has also been removed, as the CUEGIS concepts do not feature in the new guide.

Please be aware of the above changes when/if using resources for the previous syllabus (final exams N23) such as past IB exam papers and mark schemes.

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