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Unit 4 - Marketing

The recommended teaching hours from the IB for Unit 4 of the Business Management syllabus are as follows:

  • SL = 30 hours
  • HL = 35 hours

The IB Business Management syllabus content for Unit 3 is outlined below. There are six topics in Unit 4: Marketing.

Selected Pages

  • TOK & BM

    Theory of Knowledge & Business Management"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."- Confucius“Do not...

  • Unit 3 - Finance

    Unit 3 - Finance and accountsFinance is vital to an organization's operationsThis section of the IB Business Management...

  • 3.2 Sources of finance

    Learning outcomesFinance is necessary for all business, from starting up a new business, to upgrading its capital equipment...

  • Place

    Learning outcomesPlace, or distribution, in the marketing mix refers to the plans and processes of getting the right products...

  • Glossary

    Batch productionProduction method that involves producing a set of identical products, with work on each batch being fully...

  • Glossary: The extended marketing mix (HL)

    GoodsThese are physical products, e.g. handbags, cars, and laptops.PeopleIn the extended marketing mix, this refers to an...