Unit 2 Key terms - Human Resource Management
Unit 2 Key terms - Human Resource Management

It is through the correct use of subject terminology that students show their knowledge and understanding. Human resource management (HRM) is about the personnel of an organization. This topic covers a range of content regarding the people of an organization, such as recruitment, training, motivation and management or leadership. Human resources (employees, managers, executives and entrepreneurs) are vital to the success of an organization, yet human resource management is one of the most difficult and challenging roles for any manager or leader.
The topics in this section of the IB Business Management syllabus can be looked at through the six CUEGIS concepts of change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation and strategy.
360-degree appraisal | |
Ageing population | |
Appraisal | |
Behavioural training | |
Cognitive training | |
Demography | |
Dismissal | |
External factors | |
Flexitime | |
Formative appraisals | |
Geographical mobility | |
Human resource management | |
Induction | |
Internal factors | |
Job analysis | |
Job description | |
Job evaluation | |
Labour mobility | |
Labour turnover | |
Mentoring | |
Migrant workers | |
Occupational mobility | |
Off the job training | |
Offshoring | |
On the job training | |
Outsourcing | |
Person specification | |
Promotion | |
Recruitment | |
Recruitment process | |
Redundancy | |
Re-shoring | |
Retention | |
Self-appraisal | |
Shortlisting | |
Summative appraisals | |
Teleworking | |
Training | |
Training | |
Workforce planning |
Bureaucracy | |
Centralization | |
Chain of command | |
Communication | |
Culture | |
Decentralization | |
De-layering | |
Delegation | |
Flat organization | |
Flat structure | |
Hierarchical | |
Innovation | |
Invention | |
Iteration | |
Levels of hierarchy | |
Managers | |
Organization by function | |
Organization by product | |
Organization by region | |
Organizational chart | A diagrammatic representation of an organization’s formal organizational structure. |
Organizational structure | |
Outsourced workers | |
Peripheral workers | |
Professional core | |
Project-based organization | |
Shamrock organization | |
Span of control | |
Tall organization | |
Tall structure |
Autocratic management | |
Democratic management | Management style that actively involves the participation of employees in the decision-making process. |
Laissez-faire leadership | |
Leadership | |
Leadership style | |
Management | |
Manager | |
Paternalistic management | |
Situational leadership | |
SMART objectives |
Commission | |
Differentiated piece rate | |
Employee share ownership scheme | |
Empowerment | |
Equity theory | |
Esteem needs | |
Fringe benefits | |
Gratuity pay | |
Hierarchy of needs | |
Hygiene factors | |
Job enlargement | |
Job enrichment | |
Job rotation | |
Job security | |
Motivation | |
Motivators | |
National minimum wage (NMW) | |
Performance-related pay (PRP) | |
Physiological needs | |
Piece rate payment systems | |
Profit-related pay | |
Purpose | |
Remuneration | |
Safety needs | |
Salary | |
Scientific Management | |
Self-actualisation | |
Social needs | |
Teamwork | |
Time-based payment systems | |
Wages |
Corporate culture (organizational culture) | |
Culture clash | |
Culture gap | |
Person culture | |
Power culture | |
Role culture | |
Task culture | |
Values | |
Vision |
Arbitration | |
Change management | |
Closure | |
Collective bargaining | |
Conciliation | |
Conflict | |
Employee participation | This means that workers are given responsibilities and autonomy to do their jobs. |
Employee representatives | |
Employer representatives | |
Industrial democracy | |
Lock-out | |
No-strike agreement | |
Overtime ban | |
Redundancies | |
Self-interest | |
Single-union agreement | |
Slowdown | |
Strike action | |
Trade union | |
Work-to-rule |
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