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Revision - Key terms

Unit 1 - Business organization and environment

Unit 1 - Business organization and environment

This unit of the IB Business Management syllabus provides the introductory context to business management.

Unit 1 examines both the internal and external business environments, using a range of business management tools, theories and techniques. These include types of business organizations, organizational objectives, SWOT analysis, the Ansoff matrix, stakeholder analysis, and HL Only topics such as force field analysis, Gantt charts, and decision trees.

Click the link here for the key terms from Unit 1 of the IB Business Management syllabus.

Unit 2 - Human resource management (HRM)

Human resource management (HRM) is about the personnel of an organization. This topic covers a range of content regarding the people of an organization, such as recruitment, training, motivation and management or leadership.

Human resources (employees, managers, executives and entrepreneurs) are vital to the success of an organization, yet human resource management is one of the most difficult and challenging roles for any manager or leader.

The topics in this section of the IB Business Management syllabus can be looked at through the six CUEGIS concepts of change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation and strategy.

Click the link here for the key terms from Unit 2 of the IB Business Management syllabus.
Unit 3 - Finance and Accounts

Finance is vital to a firm's operations

This section of the IB Business Management syllabus looks at the finances of business organizations.

The finance and accounts section of the course examines aspects of financial control (such as cash flow and budgeting) and financial management accounts (such as the balance sheet, income statement and ratio analysis).

All business decisions have two impacts:

1. the impact on human resources (see Unit 2 - HRM), and

2. the impact on the organization's finances.

 Click the link here for the key terms from Unit 3 of the IB Business Management syllabus.

Unit 4 - Marketing

Effective marketing is core to the success of all business organizations. Unit 4 of the IB Business Management syllabus examines a wide range of marketing tools, theories, techniques and concepts.

Marketing is far more than just about advertising or promotion, or even the traditional 4 Ps of marketing: product, price, promotion and place.

SL and HL students also need to be able to examine the Marketing topics through the CUEGIS concepts of change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovationand strategy.

 Click the link here for the key terms from Unit 4 of the IB Business Management syllabus.

Unit 5 - Operations Management

Operations management (or production)

Operations management (also referred to as production) is essentially about ensuring that goods and services meet the needs and wants (desires) of customers.

This section of the IB Business Management syllabus examines a range of topics such as production methods, quality management, business location and crisis management. Most of Topic 5 applies to HL students only, although both SL and HL students need to be able to make connections to the six CUEGIS concepts: change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation and strategy.

 Click the link here for the key terms from Unit 5 of the IB Business Management syllabus.

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