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1.4 Stakeholders - Question bank

Unit 1.4 Stakeholders - Question bank

Test your understanding of this topic in the IB Business Management syllabus by answering these questions. This is a "dynamic quiz", so feel free to revisit this page regularly as the questions are updated each time you take this quiz.

Which stakeholder group is most likely to be interested in a firm’s ability to create jobs and to operate in a socially responsible way?

The local community is most likely to be interested in the firm’s ability to create jobs and to operate in a socially responsible way.

Which tool allows an organization to analyse the level of power and interest of its various stakeholder groups?

Stakeholder mapping (or stakeholder analysis) enables managers to assess the varying degrees of interest and influence of its different stakeholder groups.

Which stakeholder group is interested in how much of their good or service can be provided to other businesses and when they will be paid by these business customers?

Suppliers provide their goods and/or services to other businesses.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

  - The individuals, organizations or groups with a vested interest in the actions and outcomes of a specific organization. They are directly affected by the performance of the business.


Which group’s main interest is how the organization’s operations impacts on the cause they support?

Pressure groups are keen to know the impact that businesses have on the causes they support.

Which stakeholder group is mainly concerned with how an organization’s operations impacts on their lifestyle, such as employment and the natural environment?

The local community will be most interested in the impact of a business on employment opportunities and the natural environment.

Which management tool helps an organization to manage the interests of as many stakeholder groups as possible?

Stakeholder analysis enables managers to assess the varying degrees of interest and influence of its different stakeholder groups.

Which stakeholder group’s main interest is the organization’s level of productivity and profits?

Managers are keen to monitor and improve the productivity and profits of the business.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

  - The general public and local businesses that have a direct interest in the activities of the organization. They are interested in the firm’s ability to create jobs and to operate in a socially responsible way.


Which of the following groups is not an external stakeholder for an organization?

Directors are internal stakeholders, not external stakeholders.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

  - These stakeholders are part of the organization, e.g. employees, managers and shareholders.


Which stakeholder group is most likely to have an interest in the financial performance and survival of a business?

Shareholders (the owners of a company) are interested in the survival and profitability of the business.

Which stakeholder group owns part of a company and is interested in its financial performance?

Shareholders are the (part)owners of a company.

Which stakeholder group refers to organizations that provide the goods and support services for other businesses?

Suppliers are the organizations that provide the goods and support services for other businesses. Their interests include receiving regular orders and receiving payments from their business customers on time.

Which stakeholders would be most interested in a company’s profit as it affects their dividends and the share value of the company?

Stockholders are the shareholders of a company, so are interested in the potential dividend payments.

Which term refers to mutually exclusive and incompatible stakeholder interests?

Conflict is the term that describes mutually exclusive and incompatible stakeholder interests, which often lead to protracted disagreements, disputed and arguments in the workplace.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

  - These are the firm’s rivals, which operate in the same industry and contest for the same customers.


Drag the text boxes to fill in the missing parts in the following text:

stakeholder  organization  internal  external  suppliers shareholders 

A    is an individual, group or    that affects a business and/or is affected by it. They can be classified as    (such as managers, employees and    ) or    (such as customers,    , competitors and the government).


Which internal stakeholder group is employed by a business?

Managers are hired by the organization, so are internal stakeholders.

Which stakeholder group is not directly involved in the running of an organization but have a direct interest in its operations and success?

External stakeholders (such as suppliers and competitors) are not directly involved in the running of a business but have a direct interest in its operations and success.

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