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May 2020 (P&S Trawlers)

ATL Activity 1 – The World Wide Fund for Nature’s view on the threats of overfishing

Read about the threats of overfishing from the WWF website ( and answer the following questions.

  1. What is the meaning of overfishing?

  2. What is bycatch and why does it create environmental problems?

  3. Why is overfishing harmful to humans and not just the environment?

  4. What are the main causes of overfishing?

  5. What are the environmental impacts of overfishing?

  6. How do the threats impact on the strategic operations of PST?

  7. How might the WWF help businesses such as PST?

  8. Extended reading (recommended):

ATL Activity 2 - Context

To help with contextual understanding of the PST case study, create an A3 poster for one of the following:

  1. The commercial fishing industry in Finland
  2. What is environmental sustainability?
  3. Employment laws in Finland
  4. Business etiquette in Finland
  5. Economic trends Finland and the European Union
  6. Tourism in Finland
  7. Top 10 Fun Facts about Finland

ATL Activity 3 - Video documentary

  • Watch the BBC’s Cornwall: This Fishing Life on YouTube 
  • Alternatively, you can watch it on BBC iPlayer - this is strongly recommended:
  • The video documentaries are good for adding a lots of context to the PST case study
  • Series 1 Episode 3 is fab!

ATL Activity 4 - Home learning tasks

For those unable to attend classes due to school closures, this task will help you to be better prepared for the May 2020 case study:

ATL Activity 5 - The 5-4-3-2-1 Quiz

Get your students to have a go at this quiz to test their comprehension of the P&S Trawlers case study…

  • State 5 things about Pekka Heikki ...

  • State 4 strengths of P&S Trawlers ...

  • State 3 challenges faces by PST in the commercial fishing industry ...

  • State 2 things about Finland ...

  • State 1 difference between the management style of Pekka and Tapio ...

ATL Activity 6 - Confusing pairs

Can you define these key terms from the case study (line numbers given)? Once you have done that, distinguish between the confusing pairs of key terms by comparing the terms on the same horizontal line in each column, e.g. are you able to distinguish between price and costs?

  1. Outage costs (66)

  2. Price (91)

  3. Sales (93)

  4. Risks (11, 61)

  5. Income (31)

  6. Wages (32)

  7. Management (36)

  8. Financial performance (99)

  9. Diversity (76)

  1. Operating costs (66)

  2. Costs (79)

  3. Profit (27)

  4. Uncertainties (12)

  5. Profits (27)

  6. Salaries (64, 101)

  7. Supervision (45)

  8. Profit (27)

  9. Diversify (111)

ATL Activity 7 – Contextualising the P&S Trawlers case study

The problems of overfishing

In small groups, research the economic problems of overfishing. These two websites (and others) will help: will help.

How does the global problem of overfishing impact on the strategic operations of PST?

Be prepared to present your findings to the rest of the class.

ATL Activity 8 - Critical Thinking: P&S Trawlers case study

Is there really plenty more fish in the ocean?

Watch this short interview from Sky News with Mark Carney (Governor of the Bank of England and Chair of the Monetary Policy Committee), who talks about the causes and possible consequences of overfishing - and pollution in the oceans caused by plastic waste.

What implications does overfishing in Europe have on the operations of P&S Trawlers?

This website is also useful to read before attempting to answer the above question:

For additional resources, including full SL and HL mock exams and mark schemes, check out the Level7 Education case study pack for P&S Trawlers.

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