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Exam & Study tips (resources)

 ATL Activity - The opportunity cost of the 'perfect' score

Read these two interesting articles from the South China Morning Post, which features four students who scored 45 points in their IB Diploma, reflecting on whether the “perfect score” was worth all the effort and stress.

The second article from the SCMP features top tips from 5 of Hong Kong's top scorcers in the IB Diploma, featured in the Young Post of the magazine.

 TOK - What do we know from exam results?

In the November 2020 examinations, 55 of the 99 "45-pointers" worldwide came from schools in Singapore.

ACS Independent is the top IB World School in the world based on IB exam results. Their examination results for the November 2020 session (during the period of time when students and teachers had to contend with the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic) are shown below:

  • Pass rate for the IB Diploma was 100%

  • The average IB score was 41.8 points

  • 82% of the cohort were awarded 40+ points.

And if you're wondering whether ACS Independent have only a small number of students, they don't - they had a cohort of 443 students in Y13. That means 363 students achieved 40+ points.

What are the possible reasons behind these outstanding examination results? What do numbers and statistics not reveal?

Possible reasons for these outstanding examination results at a school with so many graduating students could include:

  • The calibre of the students in terms of their academic excellence, i.e. ACS Independent may have a highly selective admissions policy

  • The calibre of the teaching staff, i.e. the school's recruitment policy. Many "top" IB World Schools only hire teachers with relevant IB teaching experience. Some IB World Schools pride themselves with the large number of teachers who are IB examiners, Workshop Leaders, Senior Examiners and so forth. These experiences will have a positive impact on teaching and learning at their respective schools.

  • Pre-IB courses offered at the school, i.e. what learning experiences do these students have prior to their formal registration on the Diploma Programme?

  • External influences, such as parental support (pressure?) and the impact of private tuition. It is not uncommon for IB students to use private tuition services to support them throughout the Diploma; after all, it is a hugely challenging course for a teenager.

  • School culture/ history, and national cultures will also have an impact on the quality of teaching and learning in a school.

In any case, it is still hugely impressive for any school to achieve these sets of results. Imagine leading a school where 363 graduating students were awarded 40+ points, and a cohort who achieved an average of 42 points. The Leader Team at ACS Independent deserve some of the credit too.

 Watch this short video about the science of learning, understanding, and remembering for effective studying. The video outlines the technique of spaced repetition, which some commentators argue is the best way to learn.

Download this user-friendly guide here, which is full of revision tips, written by IB students for IB students and published free by Lanterna.

Read top tips for essay frameworks for the Paper 1 and Paper 2 exams here.

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