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Glossary: Organizational culture

Glossary of key terms: Unit 2.5 Organizational (corporate) culture - HL Only

Corporate culture (organizational culture)

Refers to an organization’s set of core values and beliefs, which shape the firm’s attitudes, behaviour and norms.

Culture clash

A situation that exists when two or more cultures exist within the same organization, with wide-ranging differences in the values held by different individuals, thereby causing internal conflict.

Culture gap

The difference between an organization’s desired culture and its actual culture.

Person culture

One of Charles Handy’s types of culture, where people regard themselves or their skills set as being more important than the organization itself.

Power culture

One of Charles Handy’s types of culture, where an individual (such as the founder or a figurehead), or a small group of senior staff, makes decisions for the organization.

Role culture

One of Charles Handy’s types of culture, where operations and organizational norms are underpinned by formal and hierarchical structures, and clear policies and procedures.

Task culture

One of Charles Handy’s types of culture, involving teams of experts who are empowered to complete a project or tackle a problem with their particular skills.


The organization’s beliefs and moral standards, which form an essential part of its organizational culture.


The overall purpose of an organization’s existence, which forms a major element of its corporate culture.

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