4.5 Place - Glossary
Glossary of key terms - Unit 4.5 Place
IB Business Management
4.5 The Marketing Mix – Place: Glossary of key terms
Agents | These independent intermediaries help to sell a vendor’s products in return for commission, e.g. real estate agents. |
Distribution (place) | The marketing process of getting the right products to the right customers in the right place and at the right time. |
Distribution channel | Also known as a channel of distribution, this refers to the path taken for a product to get from the producer to the consumer. |
Intermediary | A third-party person or business that offers distribution services as part of a channel of distribution, such as agents, wholesalers and retailers. |
One-channel distribution network | This method of distribution involves the use of a single intermediary, such as an agent or retailers. |
Retailers | These are commercial businesses that sell a manufacturer’s products directly to consumers. |
Telemarketing | The use of telephone systems to sell products directly to the potential customers, such as insurance, movie tickets or package holidays. |
Three-channel distribution network | This type of distribution channel uses three intermediaries. It often involves an agent who sells the goods to wholesalers on behalf of the producer. In turn, wholesalers sell to retailers. |
Two-channel distribution network | This method of distribution involves the use of two intermediaries, usually wholesalers and retailers. |
Wholesalers | These are intermediaries that buy products from a manufacturer and sell these in smaller quantities to retailers. |
Zero-channel distribution network | Also known as direct distribution, this method does not use any intermediaries, i.e. the producer sells directly to the consumer. |
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