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The 4 Ps - The importance of price in the marketing mix

ATL Activity - Price within the marketing mix

Watch this 9-minute introductory video about the importance of pricing strategy in the marketing mix:

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

What is the value of a product? How do we know what the true value of art is? Consider some of these examples from the commercial world of art:

  • May 2004 - Pablo Picasso's 1905 Garçon à la pipe (Boy with a Pipe) was sold for $104m.
  • January 2010 - Alberto Giacometti's 1961 L’Homme qui Marche (Walking Man) sold for $104m.
  • April 2010 - Pablo Picasso's 1932 Nude, Green Leaves and Bust sold for $106m.
  • November 2012 - Claude Monet’s 1905 Water Lilies painting sold for $43.7m in New York.
  • May 2012 - Edvard Munch’s 1893 The Scream sold for $120m.
  • November 2015 - Cy Twombly's Untitled (New York City) sold for $70.5 million (take a look at the artwork here).
  • But perhaps the most prominent case of recent times was in December 2019, when Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s Comedian, consisting of only a banana duct-taped to a wall, sold for a $120,000! Cattelan said he purchased the banana at a local market for just $0.30!

How do consumers / customers / users of a good or service "know" whether the price they pay is value for money?

InThinking Business Management resources

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