Glossary: Costs & revenues
Glossary of key terms: Unit 3.2 Costs and Revenues
Average costs | This is the cost per unit of output. It is calculated by the formula: AC = TC ÷ Q where: AC = Average cost TC = Total cost, and Q = Quantity of output |
Average revenue | This is the amount a business receives from its customers per unit of a good or service sold. Mathematically, AR = TR ÷ Q = P where: AR = Average revenue TR = Total revenue Q = Quantity of output, and P = Price |
Costs | The charges that an organization incurs from its operations, e.g. rent, wages, salaries, and insurance. |
Direct costs | Costs that are clearly associated with the output or sale of a certain good, service or business operation, e.g. raw materials. |
Fixed costs | Costs that do not change with the level of output, e.g. loan repayments and management salaries. |
Indirect costs | Also known as overhead costs, these costs are not easily identifiable with the sale or output of a specific good, service or business operation. |
Price | Also known as average revenue, this is the amount of money a product is sold for. |
Revenue | The money (income) received by a business from the sale of goods and/or services. |
Revenue stream | The different sources of revenue (or income) for a business, e.g. revenue from sponsorship deals, merchandise sales, membership fees and royalties. |
Semi-variable costs | Costs that have a fixed and variable features, e.g. power and electricity or salaried staff who also earn commission. |
Total costs | This refers to the aggregate amount of money spent on the output of a business. The formula is: TC = TFC + TVC where: TC = Total costs TFC = Total fixed cost, and TVC = Total variable cost. |
Total revenue | This is the sum of income received by a business from its trading activities. It is calculated using the formula: TR = P × Q. |
Variable costs | Costs that change with the level of output - they rise when output or sales increase, e.g. raw materials and packaging costs. |
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