Glossary - Stakeholders
Glossary of key terms: Unit 1.4 Stakeholders
Arbitration | Method of stakeholder conflict resolution with all stakeholder groups in conflict agreeing to accept the decision or judgment of the independent arbitrator. |
Competitors | These are the firm’s rivals, which operate in the same industry and contest for the same customers. |
Conciliation | Method of stakeholder conflict resolution which aims to align the incompatible interests of different stakeholder groups by helping different parties to better understand each other’s interests. |
Conflict | This refers to the mutually exclusive and incompatible interests of different stakeholder groups. If this is not managed, it often leads to protracted disagreements, disputes and arguments in the workplace. |
Customers | These are the firm’s clients, individuals and other businesses, who purchase the organization’s goods and/or services. Their interests include competitive prices, fit-for-purpose products and overall value for money. |
Directors | The group of senior managers who run a company on behalf of the owners of the company. |
Employees | These are the workers within an organization. Their interests include: job security, a competitive remuneration package, a safe working environment, and opportunities for career development. |
External stakeholders | Stakeholder groups that are not directly involved in the running of an organization but have a direct interest in its operations. |
Financiers | Financial institutions (such as banks) and individual investors who provide source of finance for businesses. They are interested in the organization’s ability to generate profits and to repay debts. |
Internal stakeholders | These stakeholders are part of the organization, such as employees, managers, directors, and shareholders. |
Local community | The general public and local businesses that have a direct interest in the activities of the organization. They are interested in the firm’s ability to create jobs and to operate in a socially responsible way. |
Managers | The people hired to be responsible for overseeing certain functions, operations or departments within an organization. |
Pressure groups | Individuals who come together or organizations that are set up for a common concern. They aim to influence government and public opinion in order to create the desired social change. |
Shareholders | The people or organizations that have shares in a company. Their interest is financial, i.e. regular dividends and a higher share price. |
Stakeholders | The individuals, organizations or groups with a vested interest in the actions and outcomes of a specific organization. They are directly affected by the performance of the business. |
Suppliers | Organizations that provide the goods and support services for other businesses. Their interests include receiving regular orders and receiving payments from their business customers on time. |
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