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Revision: Genetics

The following page is to revise the key concepts, research and critical thinking for the topic "the role of genetics in behaviour."  The revision focuses on several different behaviours - depression, sexuality, obesity and criminal behaviour.

Start with the Powerpoint presentation below. It will walk you through a potential essay on the topic.

This is followed by a set of "checking for understanding questions."

Tayloring your study guide

If you would like to redesign this PowerPoint to make it more relevant to your own study of genetics, you may access the original PowerPoint here.  You must make a copy of the file before you are able to edit it.

Checking for understanding

1. What do adoption studies teach us that twin studies cannot?

2. How might we explain the fact that the concordance rates for behaviours in identical twins is rarely 100%?

3.  Construct validity is often a problem in genetic studies.  Explain by giving an example.

4. Genetic research uses a "reductionist approach."  Is this a good approach?

5. How did the Human Genome Project revolutionize our ability to understand the role of genetics in human behavior?

6. Caspi’s study is often used as an example of the Diathesis-Stress model.  What does that mean?

7. What is the key advantage of Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)?

8. What are the limitations of using pedigree (family) studies?
